I don't know.
You know how other people are like, "I miss school"?
Yeah, well, I'm not one of those people.
Taking a one year course in securities a few years back almost killed me. There was nothing I hated more than having to review notes every day after work or during lunch or during prime TV watching time.
During the training session, I didn't really say much of anything, either. I didn't have any questions. Or, rather, I was too tired.
I don't get why I'm so tired all the time.
Sleeping is like my new hobby --- and if it's symptomatic of some sort of illness, I don't want to find out about it. I'm the sort of person who subscribes to the notion that ignorance is bliss. Well, in terms of things like that.
That's not to say I don't read or anything. Like I'm some hillbilly who just sits in front of the TV all day. (Though, did anybody else catch Justice tonight? I thought it was pretty good. I like the fact that they show what really happened at the end so you can see if justice was really served. Oh, and the guy doing the training at work looks totally like Kerr Smith.)
I tend to absorb things even when I'm half-dead to the world. My head wasn't exactly rolled back with my eyelids squeezed shut and my mouth gaping open, but I know I was barely conscious in parts of the morning session and the afternoon session --- pretty much all day. Yet, sitting at my desk, I was able to re-read some stuff and actually remember certain things. So...here's some credence to the theory that you can absorb things while sleeping. Strap on those earphones and plug in a language tape before you drift off to sleep and you should be fluent in Russian by morning.
Anyways, at a team meeting in the afternoon --- and you know how much I hate meetings --- I was looking at one of the team leads and thinking, "He's probably mixed. But mixed with what?"
He caught me looking at him and I thought, "Great. He probably thinks I've got a crush on him and totally misconstrued that for, like, a look of longing or something. As if."
I don't think I hate work yet.
But then again, I've only been there for three days.
Sometimes, you just get a sense of a place right away.
The communications department took our pictures and wants us to do an interview for their newsletter. As a former journalist, I'm kind of snobbish about that sort of thing...when they've got a communications staff and one of the women calls herself a writer. It makes me want to drill her on which school she went to and whether she has any actual writing experience in a newsroom. But, then I think, "Who the hell am I? I didn't last two years in journalism. I totally sold out and went into corporate communications."
Some days, if you think too deeply about the roads you've taken in life, it just makes you seriously want to kill yourself.