Sunday, April 23, 2006

A Sense of How Crappy This Weekend Has Been...Weather Wise

Okay. These aren't exactly the most inspired pics, but the weather was crappy and I wasn't dressed for the weather. Most of the images taken were actually pretty blurry.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Out With The Camera

It seems like it's always raining when we have to go bai san.

They haven't covered over gran's grave yet.

I wonder how that works...well, not the covering part, but she shares a plot with granddad and width-wise, it doesn't look like she's being buried beside him, 'cause he's got neighbours, you know? It's probably on top of each other.

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Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.

I leaned out of the car and stared down at this puddle and thought it looked pretty cool, so I decided to take a shot of this.

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Originally uploaded by "Anonymous Writer.

This was actually a close up of a wreath somebody laid on a grave. It looked cool, so I decided to lean in close and take a picture.

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Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.

I love this one --- mostly because you can see the rain drops. You can actually see a bit of my hand holding the branch still 'cause it was actually pretty windy outside.

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Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.

Another close up. I find peering in close gives things a different perspective and things look actaully quite...beautiful.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I Kinda, Sorta, Vaguely Feel Sick

You don't need to cook prosciutto, right?

I've never had it before. So, I'm sitting there, chewing and this huge slice gets pulled out and I'm looking at it and thinking, "This looks like raw meat." Technically it's cured raw ham...or at least that's what I gathered after doing a google search on prosciutto.

Sister 2 shoots me an email while I'm researching this and she basically says, "Man, I don't feel good. I think the meat's raw."

She claimed she now had a stomach ache and threw the meat away while I continued to eat, fully convinced it was harmless. After all, in several Food TV recipes, they said nothing about cooking the meat. So, it's fine, right?

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Every now and again, I'll have this moment where I think, "Yes! No homework. No mid-terms. No essays. No independent study."

That's what I love about not being in school anymore.

I like being able to devote an entire morning and afternoon to doing something stupid like scrapbooking.

09Apr06 001
Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.


I went and had my hair cut. I kinda have the vague feeling that maybe it wasn't the greatest idea.

I have ridiculously thick hair.

Why do I always do this at the worst times possible?


I love, love, LOVE "The Fray".

I'm playing "Out of My Head" now and it's on repeat. I annoy people this way. I just play the same song over and over again until I get sick of it.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

If I Believed In Signs

Normally? I hate it when people just write little commentaries on shit they've read in the paper or in a magazine, but I was reading this article in the National Geographic Traveler where Daisann McLane wrote:

"Sometimes it gets annoying, having to account for my single status to people in far corners of hte world who look at a woman traveling alone and see a person adrift…so I get irritable when anyone suggests there's somethign wrong with me. It's an irritation surpassed only by a question I find even more tiresome than the husband one, which is: Don't you feel [tired/lonely/strange] as a woman traveling alone?"

Just something I've been thinking about it lately and I guess it almost seemed like a sign when I picked up that issue and happened across that article.

Well, if I believed in signs.

Shopaholic Girl actually keeps little fortune cookie slips in her wallet --- instant little pick-me-ups that she finds inspiring.

It must be nice being able to find comfort in stuff like that.

I think I've bulldozed my way past being jaded and I'm into a new category altogether. Not quite where Travel Girl is, with her whole, "Fuck it" attitude and her blazing independence --- I can't help but admire it, 'cause sometimes, it actually seems scary being so alone and knowing you've got nobody to depend on but yourself.


Do I sound like a Whitney Houston song? I've been laying off updating in here lately.

The guy who was reading this journal said he was going to stop reading this blog, while a part of me's thinking, "Okay, yeah, whatever".

I don't even really give a shit about that anymore.

And it isn't so much that I've got nothing to say. Stuff has happened, but it's more like, I don't even want to delve too deeply into what's going on.

The Best Friend posed a very job interview-like question last night and asked where I saw myself in five years.

I told her I didn't want to even think about it.

Take each day as it comes, one at a time, like a friggin' alcoholic. That's how I cope. And maybe it's avoidance, not thinking about the future, but that's the best way to cope with things 'cause I find I get all in my head trying to figure out the future when nobody can really do that.

You make plans and those plans fall apart on you --- even if it's only five months down the road.

The bigger stuff? Like whether you'll find love, get married and have kids or be successful in your career? That, time will tell.

All I can do is sock away money for the future, try to live responsibly, and see what happens 'cause the only day you have any control over is today, right?

I guess last night kinda made me feel weird...mostly 'cause I realized that I was disappointed in certain people in my life. But that's the thing, isn't it? You don't have any control over what other people do with their lives and just because they choose to do things that you cannot approve or or accept doesn't mean you should just turn your back on them.

I mean, that's not real friendship, is it?


I could go on and on and just flush out everything that's going on, but I don't really want to.
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