Monday, January 16, 2006

Look Under Stupid And You'll Find Sienna's Picture

Maybe I'm just in a pissy mood today, but Sienna Miller just fucking irritates me.

So, she's going around saying that the nanny that Jude Law had an affair with "better live in fear". She goes on to say, "I'm quite looking forward to the day when our paths will corss, which I know they will. I just hope she doesn't run into me in a dark alley."

What the fuck?!@#$!!!

I'm so fucking sick of how women like Sienna Miller just forgive and forget their bad boy lovers and make it out to seem like the other woman's the bad guy. I mean, granted, someone who goes around sleeping with a guy who's in a very public relationship, obviously has shit for brains, but the woman who takes back a cheater, forgives him and then acts like it wasn't his fault in the first place deserves to be sterilized so she doesn't contaminate the fucking gene pool with her astonishing display of tackiness and sheer stupidity.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Everything Sucks, But You're Just Fine

Big-time change is never easy.

I guess, for the most part, we see the beginning of yet another year as an opportunity to wipe the slate clean, start from scratch, and be the better versions of ourselves that we see inside the mirror of our minds.

Maybe that's why we make resolutions that we can't keep --- we know the way we want to be, but that doesn't always translate into having the willpower to make ourselves into those people.

This year, I decided I needed to chill the fuck out.

I guess I've done a pretty good job of hiding how anal and caught up in the minutiae of my own thinking I can be, but I don't want it to be an act anymore for the benefit of others. I want to see that change in myself and know that I'm truly okay with who I am.

I've come to realize that there are things that you just have no control over, but that you can't always play it safe because you don't want to risk looking like a fool or because you're too wrapped up in what other people might think.

Sure, it's easy to say, "Screw what others think", but the reality is, we do care. I mean, that's why we make resolutions, isn't it? We want to be a certain way that'll make us more acceptable to other people.

But I'm tired of doing that. I just want to let go sometimes...not that I'm depressed or suicidal or anything like that.

I'll admit to bouts of depression that come and go, but for the most part, I think I'm less unhappy these days...which I suppose is a weird thing to say, given that my grandmother just passed away.

Yesterday, I kept smelling I was in a candy shop and freshly made chocolates and taffeys were being laid out to cool on a rack. And I was the only one who could smell it. I didn't say it out loud to anybody, but I couldn't help wondering if that was a sign of some sort.

It seems like I'm forever looking for signs --- signs that'll help me find my way in life.

But maye I should stop looking for signs and just actually live, you know?

It's like what that quotable Anonymous guy once said: "Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to see life beyond the imperfections. So don't say you're happy because everything is alright. Be happy because everything sucks but you're just fine."

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Originally uploaded by SophieMuc.

This car looks lonely...which I guess is a pretty stupid thing to say, huh? I mean, inanimate objects don't get lonely. It's just people that get lonely.

The other day, I was talking to Jen on the phone and she speculated that it's really the people who are always going out who are the ones who are really lonely. They just need to escape from their homes and be out and about because they can't handle being alone.

The ones who are content with a night in and who aren't afraid of being boring are the ones who aren't lonely, she reasoned.

In a weird way, that all sort of made sense to me.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Grief Turns You Into A Leper

What is it about someone's grief that makes other people uncomfortable?

It's like you're not allowed to be sad or something because some people don't know how to deal with it; it's like wrong to make them uncomfortable by being depressed and unhappy about something; and so, you wind up being treated like some leper. Or at least that's how it feels.

After awhile, you just feel like it's better for everyone involved if we just pretend that nothing's wrong, nothing happened.

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year's Day

Went to visit the Cham Shan Temple yesterday afternoon.

There's something really soothing about being there.

01Jan06 006
Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.
Burning incense at the Buddhist temple.

Later had a family get-together.

01Jan06 093
Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.

01Jan06 040
Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.

01Jan06 035
Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.
The Weapon of Mass Destruction with his baby brother, the little sweetheart.

02Jan06 064
Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.
My most favourite person to photograph. This kid is so sweet, so cute, so angelic that I hope I'll be lucky enough to have a kid just like him when I become a mom one day.

02Jan06 045
Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.
Getting kicked in the balls is never a pleasant sensation.
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