Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Waiting For My Rocket To Come

So, file-sharing is legal in Canada.

But this is kind of old news.

The thing is, for awhile, I felt like I was the only person who still trooped dutifully to the local record store. I don't know. I just like buying CDs. It's not because I like to support the artist or anything so altruistic is that. I just like ripping off the plastic. Sometimes, it's surprisingly difficult to tear it apart and I have to struggle for awhile to tear it off. And if the CD is good, it's a nice reward for the effort.

So...I'm really jazzed about this singer named Jason Mraz. I know he's been likened to John Mayer (whom I loved long before he got all famous) and Dave Matthews, but there's a certain clarity and soothing quality to his voice that makes you smile.

His stuff is definitely folksy and some of the tracks have a slight hip-hop feel, which he'll just as soon switch up into a new-jazz style.

He's just so fucking gifted and he's only 25! It always awes me when someone who's my age has actually done something defies words. It's really gutsy to put yourself out there and to showcase your talent. It makes me feel like a failure in comparison, sometimes. Like, I'm 25...what have I done with my life? I'm doomed to be ordinary. And that's not the point of life, is it? Life should be about taking risks and taking that giant leap of faith that you can do anything.
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