Saturday, September 08, 2007

Every now and again, I restart the campaign to get my sister to dump her boyfriend -- I haven't exactly had the greatest success...she's still with the asshole.

But at least now the rest of the family is starting to see things my way and it's like everybody against M.

Okay, maybe that makes me sound like a bitch, but this guy isn't right for my sister.

I put the blame squarely on that fat wench that she started hanging out with three summers ago. If she hadn't started hanging out with that fat wench, the fat wench would have never introduced her to M and we wouldn't be where we are now.

What pisses me off more than anything else is how my sister has turned into one of those pathetic girls who sacrifices everything for an undeserving sack of shit who actually gets pissed off with her when she shares things with her own family.

I'm not stupid.

I realize that the overt hate-on is going to just make her want him even more. I've gone for the much more subtle approach with the little comments that I know will worm under her skin and eat away at her.

Sister 2 is absolutely certain that Sister 3 will eventually break up with M because he's such a moody prick who gets mad at her over stupid things. He's a control freak who expects her to accomodate him all the time.

I dread the thought that one day, this asshole will be my brother-in-law.

See, it's easy to tolerate your friends' shitty boyfriends, 'cause in the end, they're not family. They might feel like family, but they ain't family. When you're talking about a blood sister you're close to, it's much much harder.

Sister 4 was the one who hated M right from the start. Maybe because she's the youngest, Sister 3 felt she was able to ask her why she hated M so much.

She hasn't asked me why I hate M.

And no, hate isn't too strong a word.

And in my family, I guess I'm the most toxic when it comes to hating people...I don't bother disguising it.


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