Monday, September 03, 2007

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I'm a latecomer when it comes to watching The Hills.

I'm pretty sure some of the guys at work think I'm a total airhead because of my great love for television...but I really don't give a fuck anymore.

You know, if there's anything I can't stand, it's when people act like they're better than you -- or smarter than you -- just because they:

A. Claim they don't watch any television whatsoever.
B. Think you're materialistic and shallow just because you like to shop.
C. Don't keep up with celebrity gossip.

Okay. Whatever.

Sometimes, I prefer it when people underestimate me.

A few months ago, I went out with this guy who was so fucking pretentious the way he talked about the job he had, the money he was making, blah blah blah. The final straw was when he was going on and on about how most of his buddies had girlfriends he would never consider dating because they weren't good enough for him.

Okay, buddy. Now it's obvious why you're fucking single, still.

I guess one of the main reasons I've been taking stock of the whole dating situation (once again) is because I was out with a friend for lunch yesterday and she was chiding me about not putting myself out there enough. Simply put, I just wasn't trying hard enough to meet more people. She thinks the whole dating-someone-from-work disaster should have forced me to jump right back into the dating scene and head right back out into the bars and clubs.

The thing is...I don't want to try so hard anymore. It's just fucking exhausting.

I just take issue with the fact that she thinks that dating should be like this game that I should push myself to win at.

It makes no sense.

Well...not to me, anyway.

She asked me if I'd ever consider hooking up with "A" because he seems interested. But the thing is, I don't see myself with him....and just because someone's available means squat, you know?

She thinks -- like everybody else in my life, it seems -- that I'm just too fucking picky.


Blogger Unknown said...

I hate it when people say "you're being too picky." As though choosing a mate is something to take lightly.

I too have had friends think that me and some guy would be perfect together based entirely on the fact that we were the only single people they knew. Thanks, guys.

I'm not sure where I stand on the issue of having to work hard at the dating thing. I remember an Oprah show from a few years back where some women were talking about how you have to treat dating like you do your job, becase it is that serious. It sucks being one of the seemingly few women who have to work at finding somebody, but on the other hand, sitting back and waiting for it to happens hasn't exactly netted the right results (at least for me), so action is sometimes necessary.

Hang in there!

9/06/2007 03:08:00 PM  

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