Saturday, April 07, 2007

Is there anything more humiliating on reality TV than being on "The Bachelor"? (Okay, maybe if you try out to be on "Flavor of Love"...but seriously...looking for love on national TV's just low. And competeing for Flavor Flav is, what the fuck is wrong with you???)

And okay, yeah, the new Bachelor, Andy Baldwin, is really easy on the eyes...but OMG...when that Asian girl got up and started singing to him, I just thought, "Why? Why must you embarrass our peeps this way?"

Seriously, girl, you've got a snowball's chance in hell.

I mean, let's get real here: if the guy didn't weed out most of the coloured folk in the first round, he's gonna do it in the second round. What he's going to wind up with is another whitey. Simple as that, man.

He probably didn't eliminate all of the coloured girls in the first round so as not to come off as a racist.

Not like Andrew Firestone, who kept it lily white right from the first round.

And the thing is, I hate how some of the girls get so upset when they're kicked out the door.

It's like, c'mon...he wasn't really going to be "the one" for you...and how can you really fall in love with someone in those surreal settings?

Real love's about being able to stand the person on a day-to-day basis, having to see all the warts and dealing with those days where there's nothing interesting to do and seeing if the other person drives you nuts, seeing them every damn day.

Maybe I should cut down on the amount of television I watch...though, seriously, I don't know what people do if they don't watch any TV at all, you know?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I wasn't crazy about the assignment at first: take pictures to inspire you and then design an outfit based on one of the pictures.

But I loved the twist of swapping pictures and fabrics with another designer and forcing them to come up with something based on someone else's inspiration.

I just loved how Ben de Lisi said that the problem wasn't the fabric that Fatz wound up with --- but the way she was so stuck with the notion that it was ugly and that she couldn't work with it. He insisted that she needed to learn to see things in a different way.

"If it doesn't look right, then you have to start over again, otherwise the more you handle it, the worse it'll look."

The guy gives really great, constructive advice --- but he's a little too hands on when it comes to giving help. The judges had every right to grill three of the designers on how much help Ben gave them.

I actually really loved Shawla's baby doll dress --- even though she did copy Fatz...and I was a little disgusted by how unabashed she was about it. I mean, you're a designer. Friggin' design something for God's sake, instead of always sticking to what's safe and what you know.

But what really surprised me was how much I loved Wayne's dress, whch was inspired by a picture of an ice cream cone that Monika snapped.

It was just a really pretty dress that I'd love to wear.

Highlights from Julien McDonald for this episode:
"I think she looks hideous. She looks like the Jolly Green Giant. Why'd you make such a hideous thing?!"

He had a great point when he berated Fatz by pointing out that a client could come to you with a hideous fabric, but a good designer would rise above that challenge to make a great dress.

He went on to say, "And I'm just really disappointed that someone with your talent could make something that's such a load of shit."

(Did I mention how much I love this guy?)

I know.

I'm bad.

I pull up the Youtube videos for Project Catwalk and keep it in a small corner of my computer monitor while I work.

I don't know why we can get away with watching Youtube at work, but not use MSN Messenger...though, MSN's kinda boring.

Actually, I find the whole Facebook thing really boring now, too.

One of my friends was like, "Yeah, but you've got to message people and then they'll message you back and that's what makes it cool."

Um, yeah. I'd rather just pick up the phone or directly email my friends and suggest a time to meet up rather than leave messages.

But anyways...

In episode five, the designers had to create a whole new look for another designer, which I thought was a really cool assignment. They've done the same thing before on Project Runway.

I didn't like Tyla with her whole, "I can't, I won't" attitude. She was paired up with Wayne and what I thought was really rich was when she and Shawla were in the bottom two and she was going on and on about how she doesn't make excuses like Shawla does, and yet, the next words out of her mouth were about how she'd never done menswear before and that she couldn't wrap her head around the assignment.

Um...pot, meet kettle.

Ever since catching that episode on Oprah about "The Secret", I've been seeing how it works in the negative. Like, when you keep going, "I can't, I won't", it's just confirming it, isn't it? Wasn't it Henry Ford who once said, "Whether you think you can or can't, you're probably right."

It's sort of like how one of my friends keeps saying, "How come all the crusty old men are always attracted to me?"

I told her, "It's because you're always thinking, 'crusty old men' and the universe is throwing them your way."

Julien McDonald highlights for episode 5:
"It looks like a little marshmallow...with a bigger marshmallow on it's head."

"Luisa, she looks like she's walked out of waiting tables at the local Thai restaurant. All she needs is a plate of prawn crackers to complete the look."

"She looks like she's just come out of a cheap council estate."

Monday, April 02, 2007

When Ben de Lisi pauses in front of a closet door and says, "Here lies the Aladdin's cave" and then reveals all these shoes...OMG. I did a little squeal of my own.

If I was there, I would have clasped my hands together and did a little dance.

Ben de Lisi totally cracks me up. He's so over the top sometimes, the way he was bashing Monica's choice of accessories by holding both hands up and saying, "It's crazy! Cray-zeeeeeee!"

I loved how he melodramatically said, "I want this dress to be shit hot!"

I love Ben's little pep talks. I think he's a great mentor, actually. And yeah, I've said that before.

But what I love most about Project Catwalk is judge Julien McDonald.

I love how plain-speaking he is.

"I do believe this is the worst dress I've ever seen on Project Catwalk. I hate every single thing about it. There's not one thing I like."

And then later, he goes, "I just can't believe that designer made something that was, to be honest. I wouldn't put it on my worst enemy. I loathe it."

Or: "I've got a real problem with this dress. The more I look at it, the more I hate it!"

When another judge raves about a dress, he replies, "But I hate the colour. It looks like its been dragged out of a dirty pond."

You'd never hear Michael Kors or Nina Garcia talking like that.

Ah, such eloquence! Julien McDonald, I think I love you! I'd never wear any of your clothes, but I still love you anyway.

Thought this blurb from Wikipedia about McDonald was funny:
MacDonald was long considered "tacky" and unequal to the master cutters such as Mcqueen and Galliano. Indeed it is rumoured that his appointment to Givenchy after Mcqueen was greated with screams of hillarity at the Mcqueen studio.

He is not considered an "Artist" unlike Mcqueen and Galliano and makes commercial, non-conceptual fashion. He is often pictured with tacky celebrities such as Paris Hilton, who he recently asked to model for him. His participation in commertial programmes such as Project runway as a judge has been greated with horror from fashion insiders as he is commonly viewed as a designer with too little talent to judge young designers having had his own label and givenchy collections slaughtered by the press.

In February 2007, Macdonald was criticised for the prominent use of fur in his autumn collection, causing further outrage when he claimed that "People who don't like fur can p*ss off. I love fur. It's a beautiful natural product from animals."

I love how catty the show is --- especially when host Kelly Osbourne asks the designers, "Who do you think is the worst out of all of you?" Do they do that on Project Runway? I can't even remember now.

And okay --- I read the spoilers and everything, so I know that Luke's in the final three, but what the fuck was he thinking when he chose purples for a hat and purse that were in a cherise pink?? What a fuckin' nutter. And he didn't even buy enough of any one fabric to make a dress! What is he? Stupid?

And again...can I say how much I love the music selection they use? Loved the use of Keane's "Nothing In My Way" at the end.

Here's an article from Ryerson's school paper about the upcoming Canadian version of "Project Runway". I've got to say I'm really excited about it because I don't think Canadian fashion gets enough support in our country --- which is just a bloody shame.

Project Runway Canada scopes out Ryerson
Written by Vanessa Santilli

The fashion school is abuzz with excitement over the prospect that Project Runway Canada could be making its highly-anticipated debut at Ryerson.

Last week, screen tests were shot at Ryerson, professor John Freeman, Co-Chair of the School of Fashion said.
“They interviewed some candidates for the mentor role and shot them interacting with students,” he said.

Project Runway Canada, based on its US-counterpart of the same name, is a network television show that features aspiring fashion designers as they compete for the chance to be named Canada’s next “it” designer.

Administration is currently negotiating with the show about shooting at Ryerson.

“My impression is that the big stumbling block is space,” says Freeman. “They need more space for the runway," he said.

The other stumbling block is that the grand finale will be shot in October, which Freeman says might conflict with class schedules.

If Ryerson nabs the deal, filming would take place during the summer months, from May 28 to July 19, with the previously mentioned season finale to be shot in October, said Janet Mowat, Ryerson’s manager of public affairs.
Mowat said that having Project Runway Canada shot at Ryerson would be tremendous exposure for the School of Fashion.

“We’re known as the leading School of Fashion in Canada. Having the show filmed here would be a terrific opportunity to showcase it,” she said.

Cindy Chan, a first-year Radio and Television Arts (RTA) student, has been putting up posters promoting Fashion Runway Canada in the Rogers Communications Centre (RCC).

Chan said she is very excited about having the Canadian version of one of her favourite shows filmed on campus.
“It’d be fun to watch because everything would be so familiar to you,” she said.

One of the producers of Project Runway Canada is a graduate of the RTA program.

Freeman said that in addition to the producer’s loyalty to Ryerson, the school is being considered as “there is no other fashion school in Canada with the reputation that Ryerson has.”
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