Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lying prostrate on the couch yesterday afternoon, I didn't feel like doing much of anything, trying not to move as little as possible as the sticky summer heat rolled in through the windows.

I could have switched on the air con, but ever since the new system was installed, I keep forgetting how to program the damn thing and it just seemed easier to lay there and not move.

Who knows? Maybe it was the depression talking...though, truth be told, I don't really feel depressed.

So what if someone doesn't love you? What the hell can you really do about it? Best to move on.

It was weird, but when I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror, I suddenly hated the way my long, thick hair was messily tied up in a pony tail.

That's how I've been wearing it since the beginning of this year.

Every day, it's the same pony tail or bun.

A guy friend of mine (and a male boss) has repeatedly told me that guys don't like girls with short hair. And what's more is that they prefer your long hair tumbling freely down your back, not scraped back in a neat pony tail, away from your face.

Frowning at my reflection, I decided I needed to cut off my hair now. Right now. It had to be now.

I remembered how I actually really liked how Katie Holmes' new hairstyle looked, so I printed off a picture and drove to my hair dresser's.

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As I watched my long locks being chopped off, I felt surprisingly unsentimental about it. It actually felt like this huge weight being lifted off of my shoulders. And as I saw the new haircut start to take shape, I actually liked what I saw.

Late last night, as I started to read the new Harry Potter, I had a moment where I paused and realized that yet a new chapter had started in my life.


Not because of the hair cut.

It was more like, "Wow. I've moved onto a new job -- one that I actually don't mind. I have new co-workers. Things have ended before they started with 'The Guy'. And now a new look for the new chapter."

It was a nicer way of looking at things, I thought.

I also realized that I wasn't really the same person that I was a few years ago, you know? Maybe pain is about the only thing that helps to mould us into who we're meant to be. (Though, I did question in my other journal yesterday whether we say things like that just to make the pain a little bit easier to bear.)

And so...I'm moving forward and realize that things are going to be a-okay.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

So, yeah.

Here I am.

At the crash site of unrequited love.


Boy, does it ever make me feel like a colossal loser.

And no, this isn't going to be some pathetic, whiny rant where I moan, "Why me?"

It's more like, "Oh, hello Loneliness. Welcome back to the party! Depression's already here."

That sounded so fucking melodramatic.

I'll get over it.

I always do.

I mean, if you're not the type who'd go straight for the knives and slit your wrists, you really don't have any other choice but to get over it, you know?

Career-wise, things are going great for a change. It's kind of cool to be in a position that matters and which I'm actually proud of. I wouldn't go so far to say that I love my job. But I like it a whole lot.

Lately, I've really been questioning if I even have the capacity to really love anything.

I'm not exactly the kind of person who's won over easily...that's why this latest romantic failure feels like salt being rubbed vigorously into a gaping's because I'm not the sort of person who falls very easily.

Now I worry that I'll not only have new walls but walls with metal bars all around my heart.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I totally dig Tyler Florence.

Not in an "I heart Tyler" situation, but I like the recipes that he features 'cause it's stuff that I'd actually make and it looks like it'd taste good. (Unlike Rachael Ray's stuff...which just has no...panache.)

The Food Network up in Canada doesn't always feature Tyler's Ultimate, though. Instead, they do re-runs of The Barefoot Contessa and I don't care how mean this sounds, but that woman should lay off the butter. She uses like, a whole stick of butter for everything she cooks.

As a side note, I loathe Jeffrey Steingarten -- what qualifies someone as a food critic? I mean, is it just me or does it make sense to have a former chef be a food critic? I mean, we all eat. What makes Jeffrey Steingarten's palate so much more high brow than mine?

He's such a humourless, crochety, fat old bastard.

And a snob.

I hate snobs.

One of the head honchos that I have to work with is one.

She's such a bitch -- and if I'd had to work for her in my younger days, I might actually be dreading going into work now and having to deal with her. But now that I'm old and crochety myself, I don't really give a shit.

When you meet someone at work for the first time, it's just manners to introduce yourself, shake their hand and welcome them to the company. But this bitch? She was brusque, cold, curt and demanding. The way she thrust the copy back to me as she swooped her way downstairs to take a quick smoke break? I wanted to stab her in the face with my stiletto.

I merely disliked her at first, but I think a full-blown, all-consuming hatred is brewing here.

When I noticed the packet of cigarettes in her hand, I merely smiled pleasantly at her as I took the papers she'd thrust at me, and thought, "Choke and die, bitch. Maybe the nicotine tar up both lungs and you wind up leaving this company ASAP."

But the mean old bags always live the longest, don't they?

Monday, July 02, 2007

Today's Soundtrack: "Goodbye" - Audio Adrenaline

You'll be fine tomorrow -- the sun will rise

Being the nerd that I am, I compiled a So You Think You Can Dance playlist on my IPod.

What of it?

Yesterday, I did a pretty good job of distracting myself and avoiding that creeping sense of unhappiness that seems to always lurk around...always waiting to pounce.

Sometimes, when I'm out with friends, I'll wonder if, maybe, certain relationships mean more to me than they do to the other person involved...and then I just wonder, "Why even go there? Why?"

I think that's why, for the most part, I've tried not to be too dependent on anybody...mostly because I don't want to come across as needy or burdensome to anyone.

And sometimes? Yeah, I wonder if maybe that's why relationships are hard for me...because I'm so busy trying to convince myself that I don't need anybody that I just wind up pushing the other person away.

C and I had a good view of the lake from where we were sitting and as we ate lunch and caught up on how things were going, I couldn't help reflecting that, if I had the power, I'd want to make her life happier...but the thing is, you can't really help someone who's really stuck in the notion that her life is crap and that it's meant to be suffered through.

You realize that, whatever you say that's not what she wants to hear, is just going to be dismissed...because she thinks that you don't really get where she's coming from.

It was Canada Day yesterday, so we have today off...and it kind of sucks when you have no plans for the long weekend...'cause then that's just an extra day off where you're doing nothing, mulling over things that you don't want to think about.

Mostly read today, after sleeping off a mild hangover.

It's not a habit or anything --- this desire to drink until I'm ready to collapse into a little ball and just sleep away whatever sad feelings have been brought to the surface.

Read something today that got me thinking...

Maybe happiness is something you have to work at...yes, we all feel sad, angry, hurt, and betrayed sometimes...but we have to remember not to let those feelings consume us to the point that we forget to live.

01Jul2007 004
Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.

01Jul2007 007
Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.

01Jul2007 008
Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.

01Jul2007 023
Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.

01Jul2007 027
Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.

According to Kristen on Eonline, the first official hook-up from So You Think You Can Dance is Kameron and Lacey...which isn't all that big a surprise...but it would have been interesting if it'd been something like...oh, I don't know...Lacey and Hok.

Something out of left field, you know?
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