Thursday, August 17, 2006

Ever since my mother asked, "What's that thing sticking out of your neck?" and I was like, "It's my collarbone", I've been examining it and rubbing it, thinking, "Is it supposed to stick out like that? It looks weird. Oh my God, what if it's, like, a growth? A growth on my collarbone! Oh my God, what if it has something to do with what I thought was PMS? What if it's like some growth that's a result of some virus that's affected my brain or something and that's why I've become seriously crazy?"


This is what happens when you have too much time to think.

I re-read the contract they sent over by courier for me to sign and there's this part about Internet usage and not installing things without permission --- which, granted, is probably listed in every contract I've signed, but that's never exactly stopped me from "multi-tasking" at work, exchanging a couple of IMs, checking up on emails, reading the Watercooler Blogs on TV on top of doing actual work.

When I showed the number of MP3s in the Music Folder I created to someone at work, they were like, "WTF?"

Okay, so I realize this makes me sound like a colossal slacker, but nobody's ever complained. The way I see it, people who complain about being stressed and not having enough time to do things just aren't organized. And organization is key to being a good multi-tasker.

Yeah, so, the coffee and breakfast at McDonald's has made me feel really full --- like I'm a big, fat gluttonous pig. I'm not a big coffee drinker and having two coffees this morning has made me want to pee like crazy. It's one of those days where you'll go, come back, sit down, and realize, "I need to pee again." I hate how you need a special key pass to get through three doors just to get to the women's washroom and it's located outside, near the reception area. I bet the receptionist thinks I've got diarrhea or something. And for some reason, that just bugs me.

I've been marking down the days on my calendar --- though, to be fair, I've done that from the very beginning. It just makes it clear what day it is today (nevermind the fact that I just need to scroll the pointer over the time and it'll tell me the date on my computer....though, I could just look at my Microsoft Outlook...huh, never thought of this before).

Everyone thinks it's because I can't wait to get out of here.

I mean, yeah, it's kind of boring sitting here with nothing to do (and nothing to say, apparently, though there's nothing stopping me from talking about nothing in here) but with a week off and then the start of a brand new job in the horizon, I'm getting that vaguely sick feeling --- sort of like the first day at a new school feeling.

Or maybe I'm feeling sick because I'm so fucking full.


Didn't realize my blouse was so low-cut. That'll teach me for buying something without trying it on first.

My mother's been like, "Why do you buy so many clothes? You should save your money for when you get married and buy a house."

Ugh. I fucking hate that "when you get married" speech. This coming from the woman who actually paused when one of my sisters asked her if she ever saw me getting married at this point. She lied, of course, and said, "Sure."

Yeah. Okay, whatever.

She had high hopes for The Lawyer, but he was the one who actually made me decide, "That's it. I've had enough. I give up. Fuck this shit."

I think I need to go throw up now. Chances are, someone will hear and think, "So that's why she's so skinny."


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