Friday, August 04, 2006

God, there's nothing to do here --- which is expected, seeing as the company's in wind-down mode. But what makes it worse is that it's the Friday leading up to a long weekend --- which I totally forgot about. I mean, when you're a kid and you're off during the summer, the fact that there's a civic holiday in August just means nothing to you. You're already off for the summer...though, it's been a long time since I was a kid, so, really, I should have had this day marked off in my calendar in red.

It's sad, isn't it, how those days off suddenly seem to mean so much...even if there's absolutely nothing to do?

Hmm...just noticed that my calendar was still flipped to July...which is definitely weird, 'cause I mark off the day after each one ends and I definitely had it on August.

I wonder who's been sitting at my desk while I was gone?

I know for a fact it wasn't Office Stalker --- who, by the way, "joked" that she wanted to dress exactly like me because I was her "fashion muse." (God, I feel so unclean. I want to take a shower to rinse the feeling of ick off of me.)

Office Stalker left early. She claimed she was too bored and that since there was nothing to do and she was thisclose to gouging her own eyes out of sheer boredom, she had to leave.

A part of me is intensely irritated and angry. I mean, why don't they just can her ass already? She's so fucking lazy. I mean, it's not like the rest of us wouldn't like to take off early, too.

So, probably wasn't Office Stalker. Maybe Creepy Mail Room Guy?

God. Knows-It-All Girl called him "a good kid" and Elegant Woman just looked at her in disgust and said, "He's a fucking goof is what he is."

The office politics surrounding Elegant Woman and Knows-It-All Girl is entertaining. It's like being on Big Brother --- as in the reality show. Obviously, I wouldn't mean in the George Orwell sense. C'mon, this is me you're talking about.

Creepy Mail Room Guy reminds Elegant Woman of Lurch. I just hate how he's forever shuffling past. Swish, swish, swish go the big ol' thighs rubbing against each other as he walks. (Though, the same happens when Knows-It-All Girl walks by.)

I used to imagine Office Stalker's boyfriend looking like Creepy Mail Room Guy --- he has the pot belly and the buzz cut and all.

Office Stalker mentioned her boyfriend was showing more of his "Black fetish" when he asked her why she didn't do her hair in an Afro. Um, okay. I think I was the one who kind of got her on the whole fetish war path, 'cause I'm forever bitching about how some guys seem to have an Asian fetish and this bugs me.

Like, one of the last guys I dated before declaring Singledom For Life, I started thinking he was more into me simply because of the whole Asian thing...which bugged me 'cause it made me think less of him. Like he was a perv or something.

Anyways...Office Stalker once mentioned that her boyfriend asked, "What are you going to do now that you and Anonymous Writer have to work in different places?"

For awhile, she joked about how we'd need to find jobs in the same office.

I wasn't amused.

Other stuff a bid to make nice, The Evil Empire has decided to throw us a little pizza party in honour of Simcoe Day --- which is really on Monday and which I totally forgot about. I mean, seriously, I think I might have stumbled out of bed and just gone into work, operating on auto pilot.

It's sort of like, Sorry about firing y'all, but here's some pizza to make up for that.

The thing is, it's been several weeks since the news came out. We've rolled through the various stages of I-want-to-claw-your-eyes-out anger to Oh-dear-God-I'm-never-gonna-find-another-job panic. Now, there's nothing but dull, yeah, I can be won over by free pizza.

Except...I don't know who orders the pizza here, but we always get really crap eggplant and peppers, which kind of tricks you into thinking it's Italian sausage, but then you take that first bite and it's nothing but disappointment. (Obviously, I'm big on eating meat...though, that's not to say I'm big big. Not that there's anything wrong with being big.) And I know it's probably just my imagination, but the smell that sort of clings to you's sort of like in that Seinfeld episode with the mutant car odour that clung to Elaine's hair.

But hey, who can turn down free food? Especially a group of people who are about to be turfed out on their asses?

"We'll be on that pizza like a pack of savages," one person said.


Sad, huh?

So, anyway, the lunch party is over and done with and we're all pretty much just sitting here...doing nothing.

Sometimes, I think the reason watching reality TV becomes this necessary evil is because it gives you something to talk about with your co-workers...'cause who really wants to go into in-depth conversations about anything of importance with people you have no intention of hanging out with outside of work?

Yeah. That's just me justifying my limitless love of TV.

I think Travis should win the title of America's favourite dancer in So You Think You Can Dance, though, Benji seems more popular. Plus, Benji's never really been in the bottom two...well, unless you count last night. But I don't know...I just think Travis is more suited for a Celine show than Benji is.

The Best Friend called while Big Brother: All Stars was on and I almost freaked, "Why are you calling me now??? They're about to vote out somebody in a live eviction!"

But I knew they'd just vote out Diane anyway, which made me so mad. I mean, Janelle's just being such a fuckwit about this. If it was me, I would have put up Danielle. I would have backdoored Danielle. She's the snake you've got to watch out for.

I don't think I'm so far gone that I'd subscribe to the Live Feeds...yet.

Okay, no. I wouldn't be that crazy. When would I watch? At work? That's grounds for dismissal ASAP as opposed to some undefined down-the-road scenario.

Anyways..."back to work".


Blogger Anna May Won't said...

i agree re: eggplant on pizza. blech.

i heart travis. i hope he wins too.

8/04/2006 04:30:00 PM  

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