Wednesday, July 26, 2006

In this one episode of Grey's Anatomy, Meredith said:
It's easy to suggest a quick solution when you don't know much about the problem or you don't understand the underlying cause or just how deep the wound is. The first real step toward a real cure is to know exactly what the disease is to begin with. But that's not what people want ot hear. We're supposed to forget the past that led us here, ignore the future complicaitons that might arise and go for the quick fix.

Someone asked in the previous post:
Why don't you stop feeling so sorry for yourself and do something about making yourself more valuable to potential employers.

Read "How to win friends & influence people" and actually put it into practice. Go to and learn how to write a resume that will get you an interview and also show you how to answer the questions they usually ask.

You are in control of your life so stop whining and get on with it.

You know how on that show, So You Think You Can Dance? there's that guy, Ryan, who's always getting slammed by the judges? Yet, he still stands there, with this smile on his face...even though, you can kind of tell each word's like another hoof in the face?

That's sort of how it felt when I was reading that comment.

Weird, huh?

Okay, I'll be honest, first reaction? I was kind of pissed off. That's why I thought of that Meredith quote. That's how I felt.

But then, I figured I was just being a moron, you know? What am I gonna do? Go and list all of the back reasons for why I've been feeling panicky? Try and justify why I've been feeling whiny (even though, for the most part, I don't say this kind of stuff out loud and just write about it in this blog)? Write down in minute detail every last thing I've been doing to look for a job?

You know what it's like? It's sort of like when you see a fat person and you go, "Oh, why don't they just go on a diet already?"

Chances are, that person knows more about diets and nutrition and factoids about food than anybody else.

And it leads me to this: why is it so bad for me to whine in here? Sure, I'm questioning myself as to why I'm still doing it, but feeling like I'm being judged because of it...well, that just sucks ass.

Memo to self: turn off comments option for other posts.
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