Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Oh my God.

Why can't I stop whining?

Or panicking, for that matter?

Oh. Right. Impending jobless state. Right, right. Almost forgot about that for a minute there.

Just because I'm in a bad mood, I sent a nasty cover letter to a place I don't have a hope in hell of being hired. I only know this 'cause I've applied there at least ten times ever since I graduated from school. And you know what, it's not even like I really want to work there anymore, so it was sort of like, "Ah, what the fuck?" Well, either that, or I really had nothing better to do...which is true, 'cause work has come to a stand still, but we're all still pretending to look uber-busy...which we're not.

Basically, I just wrote, "Look, you're obviously not having any luck in finding someone to fill this spot, 'cause why else are you posting this job practically every season? Look at my fucking resume. I have the skills you're looking for. What's the harm in just meeting with me, for fuck's sake? Of course, if you like constantly looking for people, feel free to ignore this resume."

On the job site, they have articles about looking for work-related stuff. Yesterday, I read this article about this woman who got fired for blogging at work. Huh. Well, the way I see it, I'm about to be let go, anyway, so what does it matter?

So, anyway...onto other stuff...ever watch that Bridget Fonda movie, "Single White Female"? Yeah, well, I'm sorta living through that situation and it kind of sucks, to put it midly...and of course, there are the obvious differences. Mainly, I'm not white.

Yeah, that's just one aspect that's made me uber paranoid about jotting down stuff about people in my real life. No more. Geez...if half the people in my life knew what I REALLY thought about, I'd be drawn and quartered.

I was thinking the other day...well, yesterday night, actually...that life, in some ways, is a little like Big Brother. The reality show, obviously. To clarify, I mean that the work environment, actually, is a lot like Big Brother at the moment. My work environment. You've got your alliances, people lobbying to stay in the game for as long as possible...the only shit thing is there's no half million prize.

Okay, so most people would think I was seriously cracked if I said this aloud, but I think most people don't see the wisdom of treating the work environment like a game of Big Brother. Just doing a good job isn't enough. You have to think strategically when forming relationships with co-workers.

Yeah, so, I sort of feel like Dr. Will right now...not that I'm feeling evil, per se, so much as, I feel like I've got a Howie on my hands at work, too.

And man, does it ever creep me out.

It's like being trapped with a stalker in a place you've got no choice but to spend a lot of time in.

Maybe it's a good thing this job's kaput.

On a side note, it's weird how, for some of my journals, people just automatically assume I'm, like, a guy. Why? Why is that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you stop feeling so sorry for yourself and do something about making yourself more valuable to potential employers.

Read "How to win friends & influence people" and actually put it into practice.

Go to and learn how to write a resume that will get you an interview and also show you how to answer the questions they usually ask.

You are in control of your life so stop whining and get on with it.

7/26/2006 04:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course on the other hand, it IS your journal, and I would think that that entitles you to write whatever the hell you want. So what if you want to vent? It's better than fake pretending that everything's all rosey and sunshiney or going into someone's work and shooting it up.

And it's not like you're sitting on your butt doing nothing - you ARE out there trying to find a job right now...

7/27/2006 09:32:00 AM  

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