Monday, July 10, 2006


Four days and still angry.

You'd think I would have calmed down by now, but it's like this cycle where you go to sleep and then you wake up, pissed off with the whole situation --- though, maybe it's more like I'm just pissed off because there's nothing I can do about it.

Or maybe it's the PMS thing.

The Angry Hulk ain't got nothing on me.

What pissed me off was when one of my friends tried to make me feel better about it, giving me the whole, "The sun'll come up tomorrow" speech. I wanted to crack her head open with a baseball bat.

It's like, let me be pissed off. Let me rant and rave and bitch and moan for however long it takes for me to get this out of my system. Why does everybody have to be so relentlessly optimistic and happy all the time? For some of us, life sucks every now and then and we need to glory in the full-blown misery of it all, goddamnit.

The general manager walked past when I jokingly told one of my co-workers, "It's like I've lost the will to leave."

Okay, granted, it wasn't a funny joke. Losing your job's not the end of the world, but it'd be so much easier if you could make somebody pay.

Here's a little story about the CEO of the Evil Empire, as told by our general manager when he was installed into his position and when he was turning on the fake folksy charm, trying to win us over.

The GM had booked a room at a hotel in Italy for the CEO --- a room generally used by Prince Charles when vacationing in that region of Italy --- and the CEO called the GM, all pissed off, because the room wasn't "big enough" for him.

Don't know why the GM decided to tell us that story on the first day he was working with us. Were we supposed to all chuckle and feel charmed by our eccentric CEO? 'Cause, you know what? I wasn't charmed. I just wanted someone to drill a hole through the guy's forehead or a hammer an extremely rusty nail up underneath each toenail. (I've watched way too many horror movies.)

Sister 2 joked that my middle name was now "Bitter", but I think "Enraged" is more like it.


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