Monday, June 12, 2006

You Fucking Idiot

The closer I get to 30, the less patience I have for teenagers --- especially the scrawny kinds who try to act all gangsta cool with their too-big baggy pants and that arrogant, cocky, bad ass sneer on their fucking faces.

And you know what I hate even more? It's how the fine denizens of Toronto who rely on the TTC to get to and from work, are a silent breed who'll watch as these hormonally jacked-up num-nuts "hang" around the station or jump in front of lines to scramble onto the bus so they can get a seat or will run through trains and talk all loud like everybody fucking cares what they've got to say.

You know why nobody says anything?

It's 'cause they're afraid of getting shot or something.

So, today, on the way home, this little band of kids, fresh out of school for the day, gets on at Warden station and the guys --- trying to impress the giggly girls, of course --- start daring each other to open the train doors and run from one train car to the next.

The cockiest one of the bunch goes, "Why try to open the end doors? I'm gonna open the side door instead."

I was so fucking PISSED!

What if the fucking train stalled? I wanted to get home.

And, because I'm not much of a thinker when it comes to shit like this, I hissed --- with a hatred that surprised even me --- "You fucking idiot!"

And I was staring at him, thinking, "Go ahead. Open those doors, 'cause once they're opened, I'm going to plant my foot on your fucking ass and I'm going to shove you out those doors so that your worthless, pathetic excuse for a life will end."

The kid backed away from the door.

I wanted to say more --- like how he was a waste of space on this planet or that I felt sorry for his parents for having given birth to such a pathetic excuse for a human being...but then I thought, "Now, that's just being mean."


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