Thursday, June 08, 2006

This is best described as an exercise in not thinking --- which isn't exactly something I'd normally readily cop up to. I mean, c'mon --- I always have to be right. (Granted, what that has to do with thinking is kinda questionable.)

High and Mighty Woman seriously looked like she wanted to stab me, when I told her that we might have missed the opportunity to meet Wentworth Miller.

Anyways, Global was doing its fall programming launch and he was there. And you know what the big tip-off was? The gigantic tent they'd set up at Dundas Square with his face on it.

Granted, there probably would have been very tight security and I would have been lucky to catch a glimpse of his elbow, but...actually, on second thought, I don't think I would have gone even if I'd remembered to swing by and check out what was happening --- I think standing around, screaming and begging for an autograph is so...unbecoming.

When High and Mighty Woman swept into the office, I told her in a mock serious voice, "I have something to tell you, which will be highly upsetting --- I forgot to mention that Wentworth Miller might possibly be at Dundas Square yesterday."

She looked like she wanted to rip my tonsils right out of my throat.

"This is a daytime shot," she hissed, pointing at the picture on the front page.

"You don't know that. It was still light out around 6:00 p.m."

I know.

Excuses, excuses.

I can almost hear Stewie say, "Whatever helps you sleep, bitch."


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