Sunday, June 11, 2006

Erase and Rewind

Someone once told me that one of the most therapeutic things she'd ever done was burning all of her old diaries.

I don't know if I can bring myself to do that just yet.

For now, I'm okay with just getting rid of the posts that were a little more revealing --- because, really, what the fuck was I thinking? I mean, I'm under no delusions that hundreds and hundreds of people read this journal (my best guess is that there's five of you out there), but it's like I started looking over some of the things that had happened and it was like, "Holy shit. Why was I so upset about that?" and then, it got easier to delete it altogether and sort of get closure that way.

I guess I've never really bought into the concept of needing closure for things 'cause it's, like, shit happens and you've just got to move on. What's the point of harping on something that you can't change? Just fucking move on.


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