Friday, June 30, 2006

Road Rage - Part 1

I fucking had the RIGHT.OF.WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just got home and even though I calmly told everyone that this sort of thing doesn't bother me anymore, I was really fuming the whole way back, thinking more about how I wish I'd had a gun so I could have shot the fucker's face off.

So, I'm making a left turn --- I drive straight out into the intersection (as per driving rules, keeping my wheel straight lest some asshole bumps into me, so that I'd get pushed forward instead of turning into oncoming traffic if my wheel had been turned) and I wait, 'cause there's this stupid woman leisurely strolling and um, last time I checked, the pedestrians had the right of way.

When she finally makes it to the other side, still sauntering and lost in la-la land, I start to turn when I notice the fucking truck behind me has started to turn, too --- like what the fuck???? YOU'RE BEHIND ME. I GO FIRST, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE.

Oh, but it gets better --- the yahoo in the passenger seat sticks his neanderthal-like, cave man face out of the window and he screams, "FUCK YOU!!!"

I swear to God, if I had a gun, I would have blown his face off. Only, I would have needed a machine gun to pump a whole round of bullets into that ugly ass face of his. Or stabbed him. Repeatedly. In the eyes.

Okay. Yeah. So maybe it seems like I'm blowing things out of proportion, but WHAT THE HELL???

I fucking hate people with no class like that. I mean, true, I'm not being all that classy right now, but the point is, I don't go around saying shit like this in public. There's such a thing as manners and class and being diplomatic.

But you know what? Sometimes, I get so sick of myself and how I'm so fucking nice and polite and diplomatic all the time.

Caveman screamed "Fuck you!" twice at me. I was so incensed that all I could think about was how I wanted to STAB HIM. I wanted to rip his balls off and forced him to eat them. No-class idiots like that shouldn't be allowed to procreate.

Though, I guess it's a good thing I have some sense of restraint...I just had an image of myself getting out of the car, screaming like a lunatic --- not really saying anything so much as making noise --- banging my fists on the hood of the guy's truck.

Yeah. I have loads of rage issues.


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