Sunday, July 02, 2006

Canada Day

01July06 003
Originally uploaded by Anonymous Writer.

Every July 1, I attempt to take pictures of fireworks with my digital camera --- not because I really want to remember them, per se. It's because I find it difficult. It's usually me, standing there, muttering, "Fuck!" after each picture's taken because the timing of the burst is never quite right.

Yeah. I should have just set up a tripod --- but did I? No.

I should have adjusted the aperture so that it was wider --- but did I? No.

And why didn't I do this?

Because, it's been a whole year since someone reminded me to do these things and I've forgotten.

I'm going to do a yearly log of these shitty shots and maybe do a comparison thing in an album that I will call, "Learn From Your Mistakes."


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