Sunday, July 23, 2006

Thomas Anderson

So, I keep hearing this song by Thomas Anderson on various shows like 8th & Ocean and the now-cancelled Beautiful People (which, tried too hard to be like The Gilmore Girls but didn't match the quirky charm of it...and for a show that's set in Manhattan, it was so blatantly obvious that Toronto was the stand-in).

I find this song completely haunting...even though I'm not in love. I'm thinking about getting the CD off CD Baby, 'cause that seems to be the only place you can get it. Taking a listen to the rest of the tracks, I think it'll be a worthwhile buy.

It's funny how, when you're facing unemployment, suddenly, there's all this stuff you want to buy. Like the DVDs for Dead Like Me. that's it. It's stuff I don't really need. But then again, most things are things that I don't really need. Things you can't take with you when you die.

You can't take anything with you when you die, though.

Managed to check out three restaurants for the Summerlicious festival. The Jazz Festival seems to have come and gone without me fully realizing it. It might still be on, though. Missed out on the whole Street Festival. Opted to go low-key and catch a movie with a friend. The older you get, it feels like the more low-key you become. But maybe I was always a low-key person who sort of felt like I needed to be out there when in reality, I never enjoyed being "out there."

Just going through some of my old blogs, I had a moment of, "I'm so fucking crazy. Why did I go into depth about all these people in my life? Anybody can find any of these blogs and then I'd be dead." I mean, I noticed with my other journal that somebody had actually tracked it down and it's like, "Okay. Fine. Whatever. Just stop writing about things you've actually done and maybe that'll be okay and you won't get into trouble with anybody." Spent an exhuasting amount of time deleting entries.


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