Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The new John Mayer CD is perfect for this kind of weather --- cool, grey, drizzly.

You know, if I didn't like getting a regular pay cheque every two weeks and you know, eating and paying my bills and wearing clothes, I think I would have skipped out on work to stand in line at Best Buy to get his CD in the hopes of getting a wristband for the autograph session this Saturday. But, hey, if I was still at my old job, I would have taken off early in an attempt to get a wristband for the VIP section at the free concert Mayer's throwing at Dundas Square.

God. That makes me sound like some incredible loser, doesn't it? But then again, that puts me in the same league as a whole whack of other people. Where I will contemplate doing something like this (and never actually follow through, because, in some bizzare way, I'm incredibly snobbish about stuff like that and consider it beneath me), other people will actually follow through and do this.

The upside of that is they get to be front and centre at a free concert with John Mayer.

With the Toronto International Film Festival happening, I should be like other Torontonians, trolling the streets in the hopes of a celeb sighting. But no. I have seen no celebrities and I think the odds are pretty good that this won't be happening at all this year.

I don't even know what I'd do if I saw a celebrity. I mean, if I saw Brad Pitt, I'd probably do a double take, think I was mistaken, and continue walking.

And yes, this is primarily because I'm an idiot.

On House, Cameron's bangs continue to annoy me.

I really don't get the logic behind Cuddy and Wilson's decision to lie to House about the fact that he cured his patient from last week. Wilson's thinking is that House will continue to make reckless decisions and wind up killing a patient, all in the name of trying to figure out what's wrong with the patient.

But the thing is, most times, he's right and he cures the patient, so who cares?

Oh the drama!

In tonight's repeat of an old Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, we watched as Cabot lied and conducted an illegal search to get her hands on incriminating evidence that would put a serial pedophile away for the rest of his life.

She was condemned and villified for not following the law and being completely unethical and underhanded in her attempt to ensure justice was served. To everybody around her, she was just trying to ensure she won yet another case.

I didn't see anything wrong with what she did.

And it made me wonder if maybe I'm just as unethical. I wonder what The Ethicist of the New York Times would have said if this were a real incident.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it would have been quite cool if you had taken off for one of the John Mayer events! I mean, heaven forbid you'd rather do something fun instead of go to work...

And I wonder about that episode with the pedofile too... Some people would make the arguement that breaking the law, even if it's for the greater good, is never right. Of course, that would all change in a heartbeat if it was one of their children who later got molested...


9/13/2006 09:04:00 AM  

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