Thursday, September 07, 2006

Apparently, I'm hilarious.

The woman in the cubicle next to mine said we were both probably gonna get canned 'cause every time the supervisor looks over, we're just sitting there, doubled over, laughing, wiping away tears.

To be honest, I don't even remember what the hell we were talking about that was so funny. But because another girl in the office has also gone around declaring how funny I am, I guess I get the dubious distinction of being known as Funny Girl.

I'm not sure how I feel about that.

In some ways, I think that's why I had an Office Stalker in the last job --- though, that might have been a combination of Office Stalker never having had any real friends before. (Yet, she managed to find someone who fell in love with her! Unbelievable! The fact that the miserable, the shy, and the boring manage to find people and get together every day just boggles my mind and leaves me with the uncomfortable thought that maybe there's something wrong with me.)


Came to the realization today that I tend to have crushes on people I know I can't have because it's the safe thing to do. I know I can never have them and therefore, my feelings aren't really all that serious and I'm just playing it safe 'cause there's no risk in having a puppy crush on someone you know will never return your feelings.

How's that for self-analysis?


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