Tuesday, September 05, 2006

So, Life Network finally premiered season three of Project Runway in Toronto last night. (Okay, so it was, like, probably the whole of Canada, but since Toronto sort of feels like the centre of the universe to me, I often just say "Toronto"and it's like, to hell with the rest of the country.)

Um, yeah.

I've never watched the show before.

I know.

Pretty unbelievable, given the number of hours I log in, sitting in front of my TV. And is it kind of sick that I'm really, really excited that House is premiering tonight?

I think Hugh Laurie's the hottest guy on television.

But that's pretty much an opinion held by most women, I think. Well, women who are like me. (I have a theory that there are only a few basic types of people and that we're all just variations of those types. That's why it's insanely easy for me to get a handle on most people within about a day of getting to know them. And as pompous and arrogant as this sounds, I'm usually right. That whole cliche about how you shouldn't judge a book by its cover is such a crock of shit. But more on that in some other post, when I'm more bored.)

So, is it just me or does anybody else really hate Cameron's bangs? Though...I suppose it makes her look younger. And guess what? Jennifer Morrison actually is younger than me! Like, by a year.

In a weird way, that sort of disturbs me. I don't know why.

It's like when I discovered Kaysar on Big Brother: All Stars was younger than me. I was like, "What?"

See, the thing is, the whole age thing never used to bother me. I'd like to still think that it doesn't, 'cause, really, why should we give a crap? We all get older, we all die. End of story. But, you know...if I was ever to lie about my age, I'd probably tell people I was much older than I really was. Hopefully, that'd get a "But you look so young!" response.

I've actually already jumped (mentally) a whole year ahead and when South Beach party guy asked me how old I was, I just told him flat out.


Well...I am turning 28 in October.

I find even years better than odd years for some reason. But maybe that's just me being delusional.

Anyways, Life Network had Season Two of Project Runway showing back-to-back all day yesterday. And because I had nothing better to do, I found myself lying on the couch all day, watching it.

Occassionally, I sat.

Sometimes, I was eating...mainly whatever was around.

I keep reminding myself that diet has nothing to do with the condition of your skin. But I still felt like I needed to eat healthier...starting today...or some other day in the near future. I haven't been exercising lately and I've been feeling gross.

I didn't even bother to change out of my pajamas or my housecoat --- which I'm pretty sure might strike most people as a sign of depression or something, but I was actually feeling okay yesterday. Maybe a little tired, though. Didn't come home until late, having gone to see the Chinese Lantern Festival by Ontario Place the night before.

It seemed like every Chinese person in Toronto was at that festival. Maybe it was the PMS, but those China tourism ads actually had me choked up --- especially when they showed those Olympians running across the Great Wall with the Olympic torch.

My sister thought I was crazy. She was like, "Why? You're not from China."

"Yeah, but I'm Chinese."

"What does that have to do with anything?" she asked.

She didn't seem to get it.

I thought it'd be freezing out by the waterfront, but it wasn't. It was kind of cool how they marked a path all along the beach and strung these smaller lanterns to light the way --- though, the giant lanterns were pretty damn bright.

It was actually kind of nice. Not what I expected. The whole day, though, I had to listen to Sister 2 bitching and moaning about how bored she was. That was kind of boring in itself. I think most people should just suffer in silence. I don't want to hear about it. Be like me, I want to tell them. If you want to bitch, bitch in your blog but have the common decency to keep your fucking yap shut.

Anyways, I know I'm jumping back and forth here, but the weird thing about watching Project Runway is that you suddenly start noticing all these little things about clothes that you might not have noticed before.

Or maybe that's just me.

I'm extremely conscious about the way I dress --- the wrong pair of scoks make me want to rush home and change.

I don't know...lately, though, I just want a change...a change to go with the new job and the new attitude.

What is it about going away --- even if it's for a little while...'cause really, being on vacation just seems to turn a day into so much longer in some respects --- that makes you come back feeling different?


Blogger Pandax said...

Wow, nice pictures. Did you have a tripod to help?

9/07/2006 12:45:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous Writer said...

Nope, no tripod. Just an unbelievably steady hand...oh, and autofocus.

9/07/2006 08:34:00 PM  

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