Monday, September 11, 2006

Because the new company has a pretty strict policy on Internet usage, I find myself writing these little blurbs to myself on sticky notes and pasting them into my day planner. Stuff like:

Sometimes, when you start to suspect that what you're doing is nothing but pure bullshit --- like your life's nowhere near as interesting or worthwhile as it could be, you sort of deflate.

There are three yellow sticky notes with chicken scratch-like writing. If somebody found them, they'd probably think I was...I don't know. Psycho or something. Okay, maybe not.

While waiting for a friend once, she handed me her stuff while she said good bye to some people and she told me that if I opened up her agenda book, I'd find some pictures taken at a wedding that she wanted to show me.

I was kind of surprised to notice that she wrote on every available empty space, too --- just notes to herself. Stuff like, "I'm sitting at McDonald's. It's cold outside today."

I always thought I was the only one who did that.

It's weird how there are so many things that we all seem to do and yet we all think, "I thought I was the only one who did that."

What life has taught me is that humans are nowhere near as unique as they'd like to think they are. That's why it's so easy for me to predict what certain people will do and how certain people think. In some ways, it's like that guy on the new show, "Psych". He pretends he's a psychic, but in reality, he's just really observant.

That aside, I noticed on my site meter that someone from my old job has been reading my other blog. What do you want to bet it's Office Stalker?

You know, the thing is, I can pretty much sum up certain things about her life that she will never ever admit to herself --- namely that, she has no friends and that a close relationship with another human being that's not related to her is something so novel and lacking in her life that she clings to it like a drowning man would cling to a life preserver.

(I love my similies.)


There's nothing I hate more than having a meeting right after lunch. I'm beginning to suspect that I sleep too much, which is probably like a symptom of depression or something, even though I don't feel all that depressed lately. Not that I'm happy.


What the hell does that mean?

But back to the whole sleeping thing...sometimes, I get the sense that maybe I'm sleeping my life away.

On a totally unrelated note, I think this guy at work thinks that I like him, which is totally not true. I hate guys like him --- guys who think they're hot shit and who act like they're the popular jocks that they were back in high school.

It's weird, but sometimes, it's like work's no different from high school.


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