Wednesday, February 07, 2007

You know what irritates me?

Okay, granted, a lot of things irritate me.

Maybe it's more accurate to say that this particular thing irritates me the most when it comes to this particular person.

It's the whining.

When you reach a certain age, you shouldn't be allowed to whine like a little child anymore, because I feel like this should give me free license to slap you across the face like a little child. (Yeah. I'm going to be one of those parents.)

But seeing as we're co-workers, that's probably not kosher.

I mean, I just feel like, the closer you creep towards being middle-aged, you should just know better. Especially if you have a child.

Nut cases like "The Astro Nut" (read the paper if you don't know what I'm talking about...and if you don't read the paper, then you should start...'cause otherwise, you come off looking stupid) disgust me, but what equally disgusts me are the really rigid types who play the martyr and act all wounded, like the universe is conspiring against them.

Granted, we all feel that way from time to time, but to continually act the victim is also really tiring.

And another thing! I hate it when people aren't willing to try new things. They're just so afraid of venturing out and doing new things.

It disgusts me.

But I don't get why it bugs me.

I mean, if they die and realize at the end of their life that they've led boring lives where nothing was ventured and nothing was gained, then...well, how is this my problem?

Why do I even care?

Better them and not me.

Just look out for numero uno and forget the rest.

I was watching this episode of "The Office" the other day and when Steve Carrell did that scene where he was hiding from Andy and then you cut to him talking about it, I had a moment of, "This reminds me of someone I know."

"Love that Andy right? Solid fellow. Seems smart enough, likes me a lot. A lot, too much, like a crazy person, a little. Not super crazy, just...there's something about him that creeps me out, I can't really explain it. He's always up in my bidness, which is Ebonics for "being in my face and annoying the bejesus out of me". I don't understand how someone can have so little self-awareness." - Michael, "The Office"
This reminds me of TWO people, actually.
Well, two people from "real life". It also reminds me of the guy from Singapore who used to read my blog.
Yeah. If you're still reading this blog, I'm talking about you.
The thing is, I really doubt that people with little self-awareness would realize they're like that. I had actually intended to email a copy of this quote to those two people, but then I thought, "Why bother? They wouldn't even get the fact that I'm making a parallel between them and Andy."
Yeah. I tend to go for the subtle route...and sometimes, the subtle route just gets you freaking nowhere.


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