Sunday, February 04, 2007

The things people type in search engines and then wind up finding their way to one of my blogs always amuses me.

That's why, in my other journal, I've started actually writing posts with titles based on those searches.

I was reading out some snippets to my sister this afternoon. Just little things like, "How To Break Up With Someone You're Dating" or "How To Ask Someone Out Via Email."


We are turning out to be a group of socially retarded people, are we not?

So, uh, anyway...onto another subject altogether...a friend of mine is interested in speed dating. (And when I say a friend of mine, I don't actually mean me.) This friend claims that the reason she thinks "we" should do this is because I will have a rough time of it on V-Day because of last year's debacle with Ass Face. (And even this is really mean, I still hope he gets an STD and dies...not that I'm bitter or anything.)

As I was explaining to my mother, the reason I was really pissed off about this is because I don't like people using me as an excuse to do things that they want to do. When I told her that it sounded like she was the one who really wanted to do this, you should have heard how shrill and hystercial her voice got as she insisted, no no, she didn't.

I think the lady doth protest too much.

And maybe this is me being a pain in the ass, but I just want her to admit the truth: that she wants to meet someone.

Ain't no shame in that.

It's hard being alone.

Not all of us can do the indpendent, alone thing...I mean, some of us are forced to 'cause we're so totally repugnant to the rest of mankind, but it's my belief that, if you really wanted to be with someone, you'd probably be able to find that someone. (Whether you settle for someone or genuinely find love is another story altogether.)

Just think about all the horrible people out there who've managed to hook up with someone!

Let that be a lesson to all that there is always hope --- no matter how ugly, no matter how mean, no matter how morally repugnant you are, there is someone out there for you.


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