Thursday, January 18, 2007

You know what amuses me?

When they bleep out swear words in songs on the radio.

Like, they're playing Green Day's "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" right
now and they bleeped out "fucked up".

Yeah, I have no idea why I decided to mention it.

Sometimes, when you look back on old journal entries, it's those
little things that kind of amuse you and they count just as much in
constructing the story of who you are, right?

Okay, maybe I shouldn't attempt to do any deep thinking right now.

You know what I realized? I haven't listen to the radio in a long time
--- as in music on the radio. I mean, I listen to a lot of talk radio
--- and what's up with all those people who call in who have nothing
intelligent to say? You can tell that they know and the host knows and
everybody else knows that they sound like morons, stammering and
stuttering, making no damn sense at all and you just want to shake
your head and ask, "Why? Why'd you decide to call in and make a fool
of yourself?"

But I digress.

I didn't know the Goo Goo Dolls had a new song...or is it really an
old song and I've just been, like, out of the loop?

I don't really keep tabs of what's on the charts right now --- like,
if I hear a song on the radio or on a show that I love, then I'll just
download it.

Grey's Anatomy, of course, has a great soundtrack, but you know what
I'm loving more and more these days? "Men In Trees". Yeah, it's kind
of a rip-off of "Northern Exposure" --- probably more so than "Sex and
the City" (even though a couple of people who worked on "Sex and the
City" are now producing and writing "Men In Trees") but I find it
really charming.

Thursday is always my main TV night.

So...yeah, as stupid as this sounds, I always look forward to
Thursdays because of this.

Yeah, so it seems I really have nothing to say this morning. So, I'll end here.


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