Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I really don't understand how someone can smell so bad and not even know it.
There was this guy who sat down behind me on the train and it was like...if I took a steel wool brush and scoured him down and peeled off five layers of skin, he'd still stink. It was like that deep fried oil stench, you know?
What the hell are you doing eating deep fried stuff every day, man???? Don't you know it's not good for you?!
The thing is, I started feeling like the stench molecules were leaping off his clothes and his body and attaching themselves to me. But did I get up and move? No. I just sat there, feeling like my skin was crawling and that I now probably smelled exactly like him.
So, here's a question:
If you needed to talk to a co-worker and went over to their desk to find them on the phone, would you stick around and hover and wait for them to get off or would you leave and come back after they were done their phone call?
Okay, if you opted for the first scenario, you're just weird.
No...not so much weird as SOCIALLY AWKWARD.
There's this girl at work who does that.
She annoys me.
I hate how she's such a low-talker that you practically have to press your ear right up against her mouth to hear what she's saying. And then there's the way she walks --- she's a tall, gangly thing and she hunches over like the friggin' Hunchback of Notre Dame. And then there's the no-eye contact thing! She's always got her head down and her eyes averted.
I just find it so annoying because when I was a kid, I used to be shy and then, even after I grew out of it, I still got labelled as "shy" --- that was my label.
I mean, please --- don't confuse "I don't care much about talking to you" with "I'm shy and quiet."
I'm in a crabby mood today.


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