Monday, January 08, 2007

So, the thing is, I had these two zits that I thought I could shrink at the very least, using my sister's prescription topical cream.
And while I was dabbing it on, I thought, "Huh. While I'm at it, I might as well put a thin film over the rest of my face."
Um, yeah.
I looked like I'd had a really bad chemical peel done and even today, it still looks pretty rough. If I could, I would have combed my hair in front of my face and walked around looking like Cousin It from the Addam's Family. Or maybe I should have just worn a really broad-rimmed hat with a veil, just like Samantha did in that episode of Sex and the City where she did that chemical peel.
"I wanted to look super fresh," she tells Carrie.
I caked on the make-up today but what's gross is that I can see bits of skin peeling.
I know. Ew. Ew. Ew. You're gagging right now, just picturing it, aren't you?
For the love of God, why did I feel compelled to write about this?
Lesson of the day is this: if you have a zit, let it be. It'll go away on its own eventually. Otherwise, you wind up doing something stupid like making your face look like you've suffered third degree burns. Okay. I exaggerate. Second degree, maybe.
Enough to make small children scream.


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