Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It's weird, but when people say, "Happy New Year!", it's like I get this mental block and I can't seem to say the words back right away. It's like I'm fumbling around for the words and instead of repeating what I've just heard, I'll just lamely reply, "Yeah, you, too."

Reading the free transit paper this morning, one of the columnists wrote that the new year isn't just another day, another month; it's a symbolic start and opportunity to change, blah blah blah. (Don't know why I turn my nose up at journos who write for the free transit papers...I mean, they've obviously made it where I failed.)

There's no statutory holiday until...what? March?

Good God.

My horoscope says I'm too pessimistic and that I'm ignoring signs that the universe is realigning itself and that 2007 will be a better year; apparently, my sign's been in a bad position since July 2005.

Yeah. It's kind of a joke that someone as jaded and cynical as me still checks out the horoscopes every day. That, and the advice columnist --- but that's mostly to shake my head over people who are more fucked up than me.

Watched "An Inconvenient Truth" over the holidays --- that was the only must-see film of 2006. It kind of makes you sick, actually, when you realize you're just as guilty, being ambivalent about the climate changes taking place.

This morning, there was this article on the free daily --- right on the front page --- about how December in Toronto has been the warmest one yet but the climatologist they interviewed went, "Oh, no. This isn't climate change." Um, okay. If there's anything that I took away from "An Inconvenient Truth" it's that one thing affects another and in the end, it all has to do with global warming.

Okay. That's probably generalizing and oversimplifying, but you get the gist. You just start feeling like, "I'm not going to be just another one of those dumbasses who don't even read these articles and who think, 'Global warming doesn't matter.'"

Sometimes, I think we think too much about other stuff and blow them out of proportion so it consumes us and it becomes who we are...maybe it's time to let go of some of that stuff.

This year's gonna be different.

And yes. That was the Jaded & Cynical One being optimistic for a change.

Go buy a lotto ticket. Today might be your lucky day.


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