Sunday, December 24, 2006

There's a family thing later tonight.


That was sarcasm in case you couldn't tell.

On Post Secret, there were two cards that resonated with what I was feeling:


I know.

The last one's a little overly optimistic for me...and I really mean next year and not so much this one...though, truth be told, this year wasn't a particularly crappy one. I seriously think it's just the whole end-of-the-year stuff that makes me feel like sleeping through the whole holiday season just to avoid the crowds, the faux merry-making, the pretense of coming together as one big extended family, the purchasing of gifts, etc., etc.

I've been doing pretty much...nothing so far.

I've been doing a bit of reading (mostly in the vein of In Style, Vanity Fair, People and Martha Stewart Living) and a lot of movie-watching.

Caught "The Lake House" yesterday and "The Sound of Music."

I don't really care about what the critics had to say about the Lake House or about Keanu Reeves and how he can't act. I still liked it...sometimes, you're in the mood for a romance and as far as romances go, I really liked this one. Sure, Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves spend most of the movie apart, but I liked the story. It wasn't overly sappy.

Every time I see "Singapore" pop up on the Site Meter stats, a part of me grimaces and wonders if it's the same guy who started reading my other blogs and then joined Flickr --- not to post pictures of his own, but to leave a comment on some of my pictures --- and who then got all offended when I didn't really feel like striking up a pen pal-type relationship with him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For me the Post Secret cards that stuck out were the one you posted about sleeping through the holiday, and the one saying she hoped his christmas wish would be "you" but it wasn't, he wanted a scarf.

12/26/2006 11:31:00 AM  

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