Thursday, December 14, 2006

I'm probably going to want to stab myself over this later, but as I walked towards the subway station with a co-worker, I found myself slagging one of the team leads.



Not the brightest idea, right?

And really, PMS is no excuse.

Why not just chalk it up to being a colossal bitch?

You know what kind of sickens me about this whole deal, though? It's the fact that I sized it up on his first day at work and I just knew there was something off about him that I couldn't put my finger on --- I didn't hate him, but I didn't trust him, either...and when it comes to work, trust is a big issue.

(Okay --- so trust is a big issue when it comes to any relationship.)

Don't fucking mess with me with the office politics.

Sure, lots of people will say that they don't like to get involved in office politics, but the thing is, when you avoid it altogether, you're not really in the loop the way you need to be if you want to make sure you're not the one on the chopping block; if you want to come across as a team player; if you want to be in line for a promotion.

I'm not talking about kissing ass; I'm talking about knowing how to play the diplomacy game when it comes to office politics.

And it looks like tonight, I didn't much care for being diplomatic.

I don't know what the hell got into me.

I've been feeling fucking crazy all day.

I opened the paper and started sniffling reading about this sick kid whose wish was to go to the North Pole to meet Santa. And then, when I was reading about this woman who gave birth to conjoined twins and I got this sneaking suspicion that the twins' father was nowhere in the picture, I was totally incensed.

If somebody had said the wrong thing to me today, I might have gouged their eyes out with my bare hands.

The thing is, I don't even care right now if word gets back to this team lead what I think about him.

From day one, I had this sense that he was an oily, loud-mouthed snake-in-the-grass and it might have taken several months of accumulating incidents, but I feel strangely vindicated, knowing that I'm right and knowing that everyone else on the team has finally come to the same conclusion all on their own.

I happen to be ovulating today, so that might have something to do with it.


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