Monday, December 04, 2006

So, there's this email waiting for me --- a new comment on my journal.

The first two sentences kind of send these weird prickles shooting up and down the back of my head.

But then, there was confusion.

It reads:
Why do you have to make my life so complicated? You weren't in love with me when we were dating. I was, I think, once. I ended it because it was going no where. You stopped talking to me when your new girlfriend decided you shouldn't have any female friends. That hurt. You were one of my best friends. The two of you broke up at some point and you started talking to me again. I've adjusted to being your friend. You've been nice to me since we've been friends again than you were before I broke up with you. Over the weekend, you admitted you realized what you had lost and it hurt you. You pretty much tore my heart out with your pain, as you apologized for it. Why now?

Okay. First off? If you really read this blog, you'd know that I was a straight, Asian woman.

Second, who the hell is this? And why are you leaving this comment on my blog?

This is all a little weird.

I was sitting at my desk, examining a stain on my white shirt.

The stain was courtesy of eating like a slob, trying to get some work done during my lunch hour.

I haven't really been feeling all that focused lately --- maybe that's why I'll wind up looking at the time on my computer and realize it's time to head home and that the piles of paper are still sitting there all over my desk.

I methodically tidy up and try to shake this Bah Humbug mood off of me.

What is it about Christmas that brings this on?

It starts with Christmas and it just doesn't let up until Valentine's Day is over and done with.

I didn't sleep well last night --- I lay awake for a really long time, just staring into space, my mind in overdrive. And the funny thing is, I wasn't really thinking about anything all that important.

Someone from Livejournal sent me an email asking me to come back.

That was kind of nice...but I don't want to. I already have too many blogs, anyway.

I was going to write about my mom's forray into the world of feng shui, but maybe I'll wait until tomorrow.

Speaking of's today's soundtrack:


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