Saturday, December 02, 2006

For those of you who do read my other blog, I'm sorry about the cross-posting.

Well, it's not really a complete cross post. I just took out a huge chunk of it and pasted it in here. More to follow...

Life is not a dress rehearsal. Quit practising what you’re going to do, and just do it. - Marilyn Grey

Once in awhile, it really strikes people that they don’t have to live in the way they have been told. - Alain Keightly.

“It’s just same old, same old,” the Best Friend said.

It kind of annoys me when I hear this.


I know this makes me somewhat of a hypocrite, seeing as I’m forever bitching and moaning in here about all the things that I think makes my life less than great, but the point is, I try not to go around moaning about this kind of thing out loud.

I don’t know — I just figure, there’s a lot out there that makes life shitty.

A lot of times, people’s lives just don’t turn out the way they thought it’d be. But hey, we can’t have everything we want. Without struggle, pain and disappointment, we wouldn’t learn anything and we wouldn’t become the people we’re meant to be.

I honestly believe that.

But maybe I’ve just grown used to the pain and I just need to tell myself that to make it through the day.

I was listening to this audio slideshow on The Globe and Mail about this 11-year-old with cancer and he said that he has a great life, even though a lot of people might think that he doesn’t. And then, he goes on to talk about his friends and his family.

It just kind of reminded me of how, when we feel like things are bad, we just never stop and consider the possibility that someone else might be looking at us and thinking, “What the fuck do you have to complain about? Your life’s fucking great.”

So, the thing is, someone told me yesterday that I should stop squandering the gift that God gave me — to go out there and write a book already.

Remember that TV show that got cancelled? Joan of Arcadia? Well, one of the things I liked about it was that it made you think about life and whether there was the existence of a higher power and about how you were living your life.

Why do shows like that get cancelled?

Anyways, it kind of made me think that, maybe, when we pray, God really does answer, but we’re just too blind and stupid to realize it; we’re so busy waiting for that big answer — like we need to be clubbed over the head with it — but maybe it’s something as simple as people in our lives telling us, “You should do this. I know you can do it.”


Blogger Anna May Won't said...

i like that, about god, or whatever, actually answering our prayers in small ways that are easy to miss.

and i like the quote from grey's anatomy too, about life not being a dress rehearsal. sometimes i feel like i'm always getting ready to do something instead of just doing it.

12/02/2006 04:51:00 PM  

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