Thursday, November 23, 2006

When you're given a five minute break from a tedious training session, there's really nowhere to go and nothing to do besides make a quick trip to the washroom --- and the women's washroom is always busy. All the stalls are full.

I guess everybody was bladder shy, 'cause nobody made a sound except for this one woman who sounded like she was emptying Niagara Falls into the toilet. But I guess the silence eventually made her self-conscious 'cause then she started peeing in spurts --- like a water faucet being turned on and off.

I was attacked by a fit of giggles and I started pressing both palms against my mouth, trying to hold it in.

I don't know what it is with me and inappropriate laughing.

When the presenter at the training session took a sip of water and swallowed wrong and started coughing, I wanted to burst out laughing again. My shoulders shook in silent laughter and I had to look away. The girl next to me noticed and started laughing, too, and C had to look over and tell me to get a hold of myself.


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