Tuesday, November 14, 2006

You know how, when you're fresh out of school and you're starting your first job and your supervisor or manager is, like, ancient? And because they're older, there's a bit of that deference that you give them 'cause they've been in the business so much longer than you have. Or maybe it's just this Asian thing with me, you know? Respect your elders or at least pretend to, even though deep inside, you'd love nothing more than to scratch their eyes out?

The thing is, the older you get, the age gap suddenly seems to narrow. And when you've got a supervisor who's either the same age as you or a little bit older...say, appropriate dating age...it just makes things different.

Who knows? Maybe it's more about a comfort level, you know? The truth is, I kinda think that I don't really take my team lead seriously 'cause he's not all that much older than me.

When he scheduled a one-on-one meeting, I was like, "Ah, fuck it. If everybody else is afraid to say certain things, then I'm going to have to say it."

I'd already been appointed the unofficial spokesperson for all of the team's grievances, anyway.

I just don't have any patience for the whole meek, mild and shy act.

It's pathetic. If you've got something to say, just fucking say it, you know?

At first, I thought the meeting was pure bullshit and a waste of my time, but now I'm beginning to see that it's a pretty useful time to give the team lead some feedback...and it seems like I'm the only one who gave any real feedback. Or maybe he was just acting like he was taking it all in, when in reality, he thought I was a loud mouthed bitch.

The whole loud mouthed bitch thing is something I've acquired with age.


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