Sunday, December 10, 2006

I think there are a lot of things that we don't say.

Instead, we just bury them deep inside of ourselves, where they fester and grow.

Why is it so hard letting go?

And why are we so quick to believe the worst in ourselves?

Or is it just me?

Am I just too hard on myself sometimes?

I was in the car, coming home from an afternoon of Christmas shopping when I heard this Alanis Morissette song, "Unsent" and I thought about how I once posted an unsent letter that I'd written to T, and how it had made me feel better at the time because it was out there.

When I got home, I wrote another letter --- another one of those letters that will always be unsent --- and it felt like a relief to have it out there...because sometimes, even when you talk about it to others, you're still not really clear about why it is you're so upset.


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