Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Some people showed up with nothing.

Oh my God, I was incensed!

You want to know why? It's because these were the same people who got to go to the company-sponsored luncheon --- plus, they were the big wigs, who seemed to think that gracing us with their presence was just as good as bringing something to the paltry table.

It was just so...tacky.

I mean, I didn't want to go in the first place, but once I made the decision to pretend to be a team player, I at least brought something. To not bring something would just be so...tacky. Tacky's the only word for it.

No class.

People just wind up talking about you behind your back and they start looking at you like you're sub-human.


So, it's just me who starts looking at you like your brethern are from the Planet of the Apes --- and I'm not talking about the movie. I'm talking about the actual apes you find in zoos.

I didn't want any part of this. I just wanted to dump the food on the table and snap, "Merry fucking Christmas" and then stalk right out the door again because the whole thing was just embarrassing. First, you don't invite us to lunch. Then, you send us pictures of that lunch. And then you tell us that we should just make our own lunch and share like we're in school still or something.

The thing is, I kind of felt bad for certain people...like this one Chinese guy who made a really delicious salad. He sat near us and it kind of made me realize how some people don't have any friends at work or in their department and how it must be truly heinous having to come to one of these stupid pot lucks where you don't really have any people to sit with.

And then there was me, crabby and bitter, unable to keep the snide comments in check or stop the eye rolling --- like when this one manager got up to thank the girls who'd put all of this together.

You know, I'm really beginning to suspect that it's just the holiday season that does this to me...it just doesn't seem to let up until after Valentine's Day is over.

Who knows? Maybe it's a combination of that and seasonal affective disorder.

I seriously need to move to some place sunny all year round.

I think I want to boycott New Year's Eve.

Fuck this.

I just want to go to fall asleep in my own bed and go to sleep early and start 2007 without a hangover.

Plus, if I saw my so-called-friend right now, I'd probably want to gouge her eyes out.


Blogger Pandax said...

Did you let the guy know he made a good salad? You know, ask the recipe or something.

12/19/2006 05:23:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous Writer said...

Um...no. I should have. The thing is, I think I was just so busy sitting there, stewing and thinking, "This is so sad and pathetic."

'Cause really, we were all just sitting there, quiet and nobody looked like they wanted to be there.

A lot of other people went up to the guy afterwards and complimented him, though.

12/19/2006 05:48:00 PM  

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