Thursday, January 04, 2007

Beauty and the Geek

First off, I don't like Ashton Kutcher --- I find he plays up the idiotic buffoon role that he's usually pidgeon-holed into and his ventures like "Punk'd" are a stupid waste of time. And when "Beauty and the Geek" first came out and I knew Ashton Kutcher was attached to it, I knew that was one show I wasn't going to waste my time and brain cells on.
Channel surfing last night, I caught a bit of the latest season, which premiered yesterday. And while there's probably loads of blogs out there devoted to bashing the show in and making fun of the participants, here's what my real beef is:
Why the hell do they feel the need to put in little description underneath the names, as if that really defines the person? For the so-called "beauties", you get their occupation. But then, for the geeks, you've got stupid descriptions like, "Owns over 25,000 comic books". But what REALLY incensed me was how one guy had, "Virgin" underneath his name.
So...what? That makes you a geek? That's something we're supposed to point at and laugh over? Because, c'mon, let's face facts: we're supposed to watch this show and see these "geeks" as pathetic losers who are somehow "less than" the rest of us; like their social ineptness makes them lesser people or something.
That just PISSED. ME. OFF.
This is what we're going to waste our time watching? Really?
If you could see me now, you'd see the same look of disbelief that Anderson Cooper had on his face when he was viewing the clips of Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump verbally bashing each other.


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