Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A guy on my team got fired last night.
He's an older guy and I guess the team lead --- who's a jack ass, by the way --- thought there were some concerns because he seemed to need more training than the rest of us.
Um, yeah...about that...NONE OF US WERE PROPERLY TRAINED. That joke you call a training department? It's like the blind leading the blind. The fact that the company brought in outside people to be our team leads is ANOTHER EXAMPLE of the blind leading the blind.
And what the hell is the point of a union if nobody's going to step up and speak up for us? As far as I'm concerned, all the union does for us is take money out of our pay every pay period. I don't even know who the hell is our union rep.
And why on a Monday?
If you're going to fire someone, have the decency to do it on a Friday so that they have time to collect their stuff and leave and have two days of not having to face everybody...but not on a bloody Monday when they know that tomorrow, everybody's gonna come in, see your stuff still on your desk and know without a doubt that you've been canned.
What is it? A scare tactic to overwork us even more?
I can't believe this.
Yeah, I guess shit happens, and it's just the way of the world, but if it was me who ran this joint (though, technically, it's the government that runs this joint...so it's not like I'd ever really be able to have the opportunity to run this place), I wouldn't have done it this way. I mean, the CEO wastes paper by sending each one of us a thank you note at Christmas. Wasted paper and money!
Send an e-mail --- it's more environmentally friendly.
I'm just so disgusted right now.
ON A COMPLETELY UNRELATED NOTE...got a really nice note from Judy Mosher, who helped write a 2004 documentary about Treacher Collins, who agreed with me that TLC does a really bad job of naming its documentaries featuring people with rare illnesses and disorders.
Even though it was only yesterday that I wrote it...was it yesterday? I can't remember...which is funny since everyone jokes that I'm the longest memoried person they know...but anyway, I'm not really sure what kind of title I'd come up with in place of the ones used.
I guess I'd focus more on the positive aspects of the person's character. Like for Rose Siggins, I would have said something her strength of character...but not friggin' "The Woman With Half A Body", for God's sake. I mean, I didn't even tune into the program because I noted it on TV guide and thought, "Cool. I'll watch that."
I channel surfed my way to TLC --- same as with the other documentary about the Wetmore family.


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