Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I've been "watching" Project Catwalk.

I write "watching" because there are moments, I'm really just listening to it on You Tube in the background while working on other things.

With no Project Runway on the air for the next couple of months, this is the closest I can get to a fix.

I was watching the fifth episode of Project Catwalk today --- the one where the designers had to make a wedding dress for their models. And when the designers were called out onto the runway to discuss their dresses, there was this moment where Matthew, the youngest designer, burst into tears when judge Julien McDonald, took him to task for not having enough confidence.

I almost burst into tears, too. (And I don't even have PMS as an excuse!)

I just felt so bad for the guy because he'd tried too hard to follow through on what his model wanted and when the fabric turned out be ill-suited for the dress, it just turned into a disaster. When he talks about how he couldn't even bring himself to look at the dress as his model walked down the runway, I just felt this huge wave of sympathy for him.

Season Two of Project Catwalk will feature Kelly Osbourne as host, replacing Elizabeth Hurley...whom I actually quite liked as host. (Despite the fact that there were complaints that she was too "wooden". I don't know about that..I really liked her parting line, "Fashion has no mercy." It was kind of cool. And she delivered it with a certain panache.)

I wonder how Kelly will do? I just feel like...I don't know...like she's not quite old enough to step into the role of host and I don't really see why she should be host, either. She's not a major player in the fashion industry and wasn't even a model. I wouldn't even pick her for the top 100 fashion icons of all time, you know?

Plus...she seems like she could be quite rude sometimes.

I don't know...when it finally comes out on the Life Network in Canada, we'll see. Who knows? Maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised.

Anyway...it turns out that Project Runway might be coming to Canada after all, which is incredibly exciting. I mean, I think the show's premise just works anywhere and you don't even necessarily need Heidi Klum or Michael Kors or Nina Garcia. (A show without Tim Gunn, however, is debateable.) But you know what I mean, right? It's really the tasks that make the show so interesting.

I don't know what it is about watching Project Runway/Project Catwalk...it just makes me want to make my own clothes, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never saw the first series of 'Project Catwalk' but I heard that Liz Hurley was a pretty good host and it is a real shame that they couldn't convince her to do the second series. Kelly Osbourne is so stiff and boring in this show and you are right her fashion credentials are not hot at all. Still Julien MacDonald's barbed wire comments help to keep things interesting. I do like Monika, and the way she stood up to Julien, she has a lot of fight in her.

2/08/2007 08:02:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous Writer said...

Project Catwalk's first season is on You Tube if you're interested in checking it out.

Since I'm in Canada, we won't get the second season for a couple of months. I really wish they'd post the episodes online already! I don't think I can wait that long!

2/08/2007 05:45:00 PM  

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