Thursday, February 08, 2007

Wrapped up watching Project Catwalk today.

You know what? Despite the fact that I think Tim Gunn is a huge component of what makes Project Runway so fun and great to watch, I actually really like Ben De Lisi as mentor for Project Catwalk.

He just brings a very different vibe and at the same time, I think he does what Tim does in a similarly constructive manner.

I mean, the guy obviously knows what he's talking about because he's been designing killer dressers for over 20 years and for celebrities like Rachel Wiesz and Kate Winslet (love them both!).

He did that gorgeous red gown that Kate Winslet wore to the Oscars in 2002.

But here's something interesting that I dug up on the web about Tim Gunn: it's an interview he did with, where he talks a bit about why he's single.

Now the big question: Are you single?
I’m very single.

How can you be single?
This is going to sound ridiculous to you. I’m so resigned to it. I went to a psychic about 25-26 years ago. Ostensibly the real thing; she was a consultant to the NASA space flights, and she was a consultant to the FBI. And it was a horrible session. She punched holes in every myth I’d created about myself. I’d spent a lot of my life blaming things on prior lives. And she said to me, “I don’t believe in talking to people about prior lives.” I thought, That’s disappointing, it’s one of the reasons I wanted to see you. Then she said, “In your case, I have to make an exception. I have never met a new soul. Until now.” I say that because it helped explain a lot. I have never, ever been more hurt than from a relationship that goes back to Washington, D.C.—before New York. I’m welling up thinking about how horrible it all was. After many years, it was the advent of AIDS and knowing that this guy who I loved more than myself had been sleeping around… it was awful. More awful was his out and out rejection of me, saying, “I don’t have the patience for you. I’m tired of you. Get lost.” And I haven’t been in a relationship since. And I’ve run from a couple of opportunities. I keep revisiting this “new soul” thing and I think, It’s not gonna happen in this lifetime. It’s not meant to be.

Well, if that’s how you feel, then I say… you’re crazy! I could think of 20 great guys for you off the top of my head who’d want to be your life partner!
That’s nice to hear. I have very good friends, and I think that’s the way it’s probably going to stay. God knows I live in a gay Mecca. I live in the West Village and work in the middle of the fashion industry. It’s hard to find a heterosexual male within half a mile.

Do gay men approach you?
I was at the Human Rights Campaign dinner recently. I was at the Bravo table and I thought, I don’t think I have ever been in a room with so many extraordinary-looking gay men. And people came up to me. People are really nice. With the exception of one person who punched me when I was at the end of last season. You know what’s weird? No one ever asks, “Are you that guy from that show?” They just come right up to me and start talking. It’s weird to me.

I find the man intensely interesting...I mean, he just doesn't give a bad interview. He's open, he's honest, and he's compelling.

I wish more people would be like that.


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