Tuesday, February 13, 2007

So, there's supposed to be a snowstorm.

But, you know, we're still expected to go to work. Or rather, my mother thinks I should still be able to make it into work because when I told her, "I don't want to go to work tomorrow just because", she looked at me with absolute, sheer disgust.

I'm not making this up.

That woman's look of disgust would shame anybody...except for me, 'cause, you know, I've grown immune to it after being here on this planet for 28 years.

Sometimes, I shake my head and wonder if it's really possible that I am the fruit of that woman's loins.

Get this: she thinks the new Millionaire Life lotto is "too much money" --- if you win, you get $1 million for 25 years.

"Too much money." Pfft.

Nut bar.

My sister and I were talking about what we'd do if we won the money. And who doesn't love talking about that?

I said I'd continue to work --- purely for the social interaction, of course. I'd also donate all of my earnings to charity. Oh, and buy lunch every day. And plus, I'd need at least eight weeks of vacation and I wouldn't work on Mondays or Fridays or on especially cold days in the winter or really hot days in the summer.

When I was telling a co-worker about this, she told me that, sometimes, I seriously sound crazy.

A part of me is glad there's going to be a really bad snowstorm coming just in time for Valentine's Day.

I swear, when I heard about the impending storm, I actually tapped my fingers together like Mr. Burns and whispered, "Excellent!"

Do you want to know why I love watching "The Office"?

Because I actually relate to Ryan, the former temp.

The looks on his face...or rather, the lack of emotion...the sheer weariness?

That's me.

Thought this clip was hilarious:

And finally...here are my thoughts on Valentine's Day.


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