Sunday, February 18, 2007

Read my Chinese horoscope for this year and decided I don't really care for part of what it says.

The thing about horoscopes and superstitions is that...I want to dismiss it completely. I like to think that we determine our own fate. We have to take responsibility for what happens and we need to realize that, when bad things happen, it's not the end of the world. Maybe there's something to be learned from that experience, you know?

The other day, someone said that maybe there's an aspect of our lives that's predestined, but I thought that didn't make sense. Either it's all predestined or it's not. If everything's written out somewhere, then what's the point of making choices? Isn't it through choice that we're see what kind of people we are?

It's our actions and our words --- things that we choose --- that make us who we are.

So, shouldn't we be held accountable to that?

He probably doesn't have much of a chance of winning the Oscar for best actor this year, but Ryan Gosling was pretty good in Half Nelson.

I found it a little bit slow moving at times, but I think Gosling's one of those guys who can really Edward Norton.


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