Thursday, September 14, 2006

You know, even when I was working at the community paper and the newswire, I didn't really have to think all that hard. Writing has never really been all that hard for me. Journalism's about gathering the facts and spinning them into a story that's interesting to read. Not all that hard if you know how to write. Oh, and listen.

Most people are bad at listening. The listening part is also something I'm really good at --- that's why, on a bad day at work, I day dream about life as a therapist. I'd be like the House --- as in Hugh Laurie's character on Fox --- of therapists.

Instead of just calmly listening and nodding my head and not saying much, I wouldn't be afraid to tell people exactly what their problems were. That's partly because I think I know everything. Though, I don't often rub it into other people's face. I do my smug, I-was-right dance in the privacy of my own home.

But anyway...getting back to the whole thinking aspect of work --- yeah, most of my jobs, I haven't really had to think all that hard. Mostly because I think most people have lesser work ethics than me. I'm organized. I know how to get things done and pick things up quickly.

That's why I get bored a lot.

But this new job? Holy shit. I had a moment where I was sitting there, stumped, thinking, "Huh. I was awake at this training session. Did I actually forget everything just from that walk from the boardroom to my desk?"

But anyway...

Tonight's premier epsiode of Survivor: Cook Islands was interrupted by a phone call. I fucking hate it when my friends call me on a TV night (which, okay, is, like, every night), but once I saw the Asians had won the Immunity Challenge, I was like, "Okay. It doesn't matter who goes home now. At least the Asians didn't let me down." (Though, none of the Asians are even Chinese, which is kind of disappointing...though when Shii-Ann was on Survivor, I was, like, totally embarrassed. I don't even know why. Maybe it was when she was sucking out the marrow from a chicken bone and I was like, "Oh my God. That reminds me of my mother.")

Okay, so, like the two guys are actually really buff. And easy on the eyes.

Just my opinion.

Sometimes, don't you get the sense that the press makes a big to-do about how "good looking" an Asian actor is simply because they're the only Asian actors around and it's like they want to seem really open about all races?

It's like how they always go on and on about how beautiful Lucy Liu is.

That chick ain't all that beautiful. If you want to look at a really beautiful Asian actress, why not talk about someone like Gong Li?

And just back to the whole race thing and diversity --- sometimes, I get the sense that when the media talks about colour, they're really talking about the inclusion of more Black actors, which I think is a good thing. But the point I'm making here is that where are all the Asians at?

I mean, finally, on the Amazing Race this upcoming season, we're going to be seeing an Indian American team.

But I digress...

I thought it was funny when Cao Boi (pronounced "Cowboy") was sucking the "bad wind" out of Brad's forehead to relieve him of the headache brought on by his seasickness from the day before. He got this red mark on his forehead as a result --- but, hey, it worked, right? So, who cares?

(Brad, by the way? I wonder if he's gay? My sister read his profile on the CBS site and was like, "He's a fashion director." I know. That doesn't mean anything. And who cares if he's gay? He's hot.)

I think Cao Boi has the potential to be, like, really annoying, but you know what? I like him. He looks crazy, but he's got character, you know? And being a real character is cool, 'cause otherwise, you're just some boring little shit who's a waste of space on this earth. Or at least that's my take on things.

(Takes one to know one, huh?)

Anyways, I thought what was funny was how the Black team was all about how they had to "represent". I know what they meant, 'cause even though there wasn't a single Chinese person in the Asian team, I was like, "Oh my God, don't disgrace me now! Move your yellow asses and win that friggin' immunity."

I kinda doubt I'll be watching it every week, though. Thursdays are shaping up to be the worst night --- everything's on that night.

You know what would be a cool job to have? Writing a blog about television shows --- like on TV


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Asian Invasion" as one of them announced when they paddled in, did really well last night.

I thought that the African American team was stupid for voting off one of its (at least physically) strongest players, and it will be interesting to see what happens to them, and if they get wiped out quickly, how the public reacts...

And LOL at the stupid girl who let the chickens out!

You'd be good writing for television without pity (!


9/15/2006 09:19:00 AM  
Blogger zerodoll said...

i don't watch survivor but i gotta agree with you about the lucy liu thing. i don't get it. gong li is waaaay hotter. it does seem like people rave just because she's a well known asian actress.

9/15/2006 09:34:00 AM  

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