Saturday, February 11, 2006

Don't Let It Bring You Down

Don't let it bring you down
It's only castles burning
Find someone who's turning
You will come around
- Annie Lennox, "Don't Let It Bring You Down"

My guilty pleasure is lying in bed and reading good . (As opposed to bad chick lit, which can easily be found in Red Dress Ink series. Such sub par writing and contrived, tired, recycled, predictable storylines!)

Right now, I'm slowly wading through Emily Giffin's . I'm soaking it up little by little because a truly good slice of chick lit deserves to be drunk in guiltily, little by little.

There's no better feeling than lounging around in bed with a good book as the sun's rising and you can't help but feel a bit of hope that maybe life isn't as bad as you thought --- in spite of a rough few weeks and a spectacularly bad start to the year.

Tonight, Brain Transplant friend is having her birthday thing at a lounge downtown.

Now, I'm not really the type of gal who lets loose on the dance floor and who loves nothing more than to kick back several drinks, but every once in awhile, I don't mind it.

I hope tonight's good.


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