Friday, February 03, 2006

Have A Nice Day

Early PM
Can't remember what time...
Stuck at the red light...
It's a night just right...
Let's take a holiday,
Is that what you want?
To have a nice day?
Lie around all day...
Have a drink...
- Stereophonics, "Have A Nice Day"

I'm just so grateful that I can hear a great song like this.

Music just plays so a huge part in my life. It has the power to lift me out of a bad mood and make me smile; it commiserates with me in my worst moments; it's like a comforting blanket that helps me get to sleep; it's a companion to make a boring moment pass by quicker.

I asked an LJ friend to recommend a whole bunch of songs with an "I'll Survive" theme, but as I was going through my own list of MP3s, I found all sorts of songs I hadn't listened to in a long this one by the Stereophonics.

The very next song on the list was Daniel Powter's "Song 6", which is the perfect transition. It builds on that whole "Have A Nice Day" theme...or at least the cheerful music does.


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