Monday, September 25, 2006

I hate it when the team lead sets a meeting for, like, half an hour before it's time to go home. Like, seriously, WTF????? I mean, I like the guy and all, but I seriously wanted to club him over the head with his own laptop.

They've brought in another team lead --- 'cause, you know, two just ain't enough. He looked like he was sleeping with his eyes open throughout the whole meeting...which is pretty much how I felt, too.

So, anyway, last night was the premier of Brothers and Sisters, which I really wanted to give a chance 'cause the oh-so-fabulous Rachel Griffiths is on it --- not because of Calista Flockhart. I mean, yes, it's her return to TV after five years, but who gives a shit? She wasn't that great an actress to begin with and c'mon, Ally McBeal quickly got super annoying and stupid. It was like all of the fresh ideas David E. Kelly had just flew out the window and we were left with tired, pathetic, self-absorbed Ally, who really wasn't all that interesting.

But Rachel Griffiths? I mean, any alum of Six Feet Under kind of deserves props for being on such a friggin' spectacular show to begin with.

Okay, so, I wanted to like it, but I just couldn't, 'cause it wasn't really all that interesting. We know the father has some sort of secret and this is a huge old family and everyone's got their problems and we're supposed to identify with them, 'cause they're supposedly just like our families, but they're really not.

You know what's interesting, though? Apparently, the Canadian network showed the pilot to reporters --- before they suddenly made all of these cast changes. Like, they changed the matriarch from Betty Buckley to Sally Field. They also replaced the actor playing the gay brother and then revamped some major plotlines.

Hrmmm...wonder why.

That just seemed kinda weird to me.

But last night's premiere of Desperate Housewives? OMG. So good. I mean, the third season seems to put everything back on track, seeing as last season sort of sucked. I think the whole storyline with Lynette and Tom's other family is just going to kick ass!


I know.

I'm writing a lot about TV. I guess it's mostly because I don't really want to write about what goes on with me anymore.

What can I say?

I like to avoid things.


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