Monday, March 13, 2006

What's The Point?

Sometimes, I wonder what’s the point of saying anything?

Seriously – does anybody ever really want to know what you think? Isn’t it really more of a matter of saying what they want to hear?

The Best Friend says that real friends are open and honest with each other and she chewed me out once for wanting to keep my mouth shut and preferring to hold back what I really think. But my reasoning for this? What’s the point in wasting your breath when the other person refuses to listen? Why say that you value the other person’s opinion if you’re not even going to take anything they say into consideration?

Or maybe I’m just feeling fed up because I’m not in her position, can’t understand her reasoning and I have this stubborn belief that I’m the one who’s right.

But seriously, are any of us ever in any position to judge when we haven’t walked a mile in the other person’s shoes? It’s so easy to tell your Best Friend that you think she’s making a mistake and that she’s holding onto a man who isn’t worth holding onto…but you know what? Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what you think. People will always do what they want to do, even if the whole world’s against them. And I know this, because I’m like that, too --- sometimes.

Who knows? Maybe I just think she should move on because I was forced to. But you know what? Facing the truth often hurts. But in the end, it’s probably better for us if we suck it up, face the pain, and just bloody move on --- because moving forward’s a helluva lot better than standing still, always looking back.


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