Monday, January 17, 2005

Fun Fact

Usually, by the time I roll into the subway station, all the free newspapers are already gone, but today there was still a stack of them.

At lunch, I was flipping through it and I came across this little fun factoid: did you know that for most job ads, only six people get called in for an interview?

I found that really depressing. The odds of getting called for an interview is practically the same as winning the lottery --- except, you don't get anything great like freedom and security for the rest of your life. All that it promises you is a chance to sweat profusely in front of a panel of unsmiling, smugly employed people while you stammer your way through a list of standard questions that don't necessarily tell an employer anything. (Ever heard of lying?)

You know what question I hate the most? It's the one where they ask you, "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

Who wants to think that far ahead? Things have a way of falling apart on you and there's no point in making plans because life isn't something you can plan for.


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