Thursday, June 03, 2004

Gross Food

Parmesan cheese smells exactly like vomit, but it tastes okay. How can something smell so foul yet taste so...not foul?

That's pretty rich coming from someone who'll eat practically anything. (I'd like to think, though, that if I were in some awful accident, like in that movie, "Alive" where I was trapped without any food and there was nothing to eat except the frozen corpses of my fellow travelers that I'd draw the line at that. But never say never, you know?)

You know how on "Survivor", there's always an immunity challenge where the tribes have to eat gross stuff? I didn't find most of the stuff all that gross. Granted, I've never eaten anything that was still alive, before.

I don't think I'd want to try it.

I know in South Korea, live squid is considered a delicacy. I couldn't stop staring at the guy who was eating it. The tentacles kept poking out of his mouth and it was moving.

Why am I thinking about food right now? Whenever there's nothing else to do, I think about food.

It's not like I eat a lot, either. I just like thinking about food. I get kind of grossed out watching other people eat sometimes, though. Like when you're on the subway and there's a fat person sitting across from you eating a bag of chips or ice cream. That's just nasty.

There's a scene in "Trainspotting" where Renton talks about how much he hates fat people. It's irrational (his hatred, that is), but some of the stuff he said made sense, you know? Like, if being fat is so natural, then how come you never see fat people in Ethiopia?

My sister's a bit on the pudgy side. Whenever someone says something about her weight, it pisses me off. Why do some people think it's okay to spew their negative little snide comments? I mean, do we really even care what they have to say?

It's amusing, really, when you think about it. Hardly anybody ever bothers telling you nice stuff, but they don't hesitate to point out each and every perceived flaw that you have. I wonder if people do that to make themselves feel better about being flawed, themselves.

Who the fuck knows?


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